Father Hikaru Has Grown Old

Hikar's father grew old, became weak, and turned into a burden for the family. One day, when the old man was drinking water, the cup slipped from his trembling hand and broke. Hikar's wife got angry and said to her husband:

- Your father is nothing but sorrow and punishment for us. From now on, I will give him water and meals in wooden dishes.

As she said, so she did. Hikar did not object.

Some time passed. One day, Hikar's son saw the wooden dishes near his grandfather and thought that old people must be fed and given water from wooden dishes. He took a piece of wood and began carving. His father and mother asked him:

- Son, what are you doing?

- Making wooden dishes. When you grow old, I will feed you from them...

The son's words shamed his father and mother, and from that day on, they began to take care of the old man. Fairy girl