Bulgarian Fairy Tales
- Captivity
- Cunning Peter and the Rich Man
- Drip-Drip
- Forty Brothers and a Sister
- Grandfather Petko and Grandmother Pena
- Greed Does Not Lead to Good
- Hardy, Softy, and Sweetie
- He who does not work, does not eat
- Hedgehog the Spiny, Mole, and the Fox
- How Diseases Spread Across the World
- Mama's Daughter
- Mind and Happiness
- Plums for Trash
- Rezan the Half-Cut
- Stones Are Falling from the Sky
- The Blessed Nuts
- The Blind Serpent
- The Brave Youth with a Star on His Forehead and His Horned Horse
- The Clever Lad
- The Cunning Rooster
- The Foolish Old Woman and Her Cunning Son
- The Golden Girl
- The Kind Lark
- The Little Piece of Lime
- The Old Man, the Old Woman, and the Moon
- The Plowboy
- The Poor Man's Truth
- The Priceless Little Stone
- The Punished Clumsy Bear
- The Silver Deer
- The Sparrow and the Fox
- The Tale of the Barrel
- The Tale of the Boy, the Puppy, the Kitten, and the Little Frog
- The Voivode's Children
- The Water Spirit
- The Wet One Isn't Afraid of the Rain
- The Wisdom of the Elders
- The Wolf and the Magpie
- The Youth with a Star on His Forehead
- Three Pieces of Advice Worth More Than Money
- Tsar Trojan - Goat Ears
- Two Hundred and Twenty Tricks
- Why March Has 31 Days
- Why the Elderly Are Honored
- Why the Weather in March is Changeable