Italian Fairy Tales
- A Rich Dowry
- Beautiful Rosalinda
- Brave Mazino and the Witch
- Bread, Wine, and Salt
- Datura Grass
- Evil Fate
- Fearless Giovannino
- Fire, Water, and Honor
- General Fanta-Giro
- Gifts of the Fairy of Krenskoye Lake
- Harpalion – the Lord of Lions
- Here's Seven for You!
- Hey, Bring in the Horse!
- How Cortese Paid for Lunch
- How the Jester Gonella Made a Bet
- How the Monk Saved His Ears
- Kola-Fish
- Lake Gandzirri
- Lazy Broccolina
- Massaro the Truth
- Matteo and Mariuccia
- Money Can Do Everything
- One Night in Paradise
- Prezzemolina
- Rosina in the Oven
- Royal Prisoners
- Silver Nose
- Six Brothers
- Stone Soup
- The Apple and the Peel
- The Black Horse
- The Body Without a Soul
- The Brick and the Wax
- The Buckles of Padre Bonifaccio
- The Buffalo and the Drum
- The Cheerful Monacchio
- The Clever Peasant Woman
- The Crab Prince
- The Dreams of Gualtiero
- The Lazybones
- The Learned Cat
- The Legend of the Treasure of Kyapatsa
- The Man Who Only Went Out at Night
- The Merry Cobbler
- The Monkey Palace
- The New Skirt
- The Peasant Astrologer
- The Pope's Answer
- The Princess Cobra
- The Princess from the Orange
- The Resourceful Girl
- The Royal Falcon
- The Salamanca Grapes
- The Scarecrow by the Well
- The Secret of Florio
- The Shepherd and the Month of March
- The Shepherd at the Court
- The Shepherd Boy - A Tiny Sprout
- The Shepherd from Caltanissetta
- The Tale of the Magic Ring
- The Three Oranges
- The Tricks of Campriano
- Three Parrot Tales
- Thrushes and Starlings
- Tredichino
- What's More Important