Heavenly Punishment

Once upon a time, in days long past, a wedding procession was traveling along the road from the city to a village. The journey was not short, and the day was hot. The travelers, exhausted from the road and suffering from thirst, were desperate for a drink.
The groom, turning his face to the sky, pleaded:
"Oh, if only the Lord would grant us pure, cold water, I would surely order a church service in honor of such a miracle."

Suddenly, on the outskirts of the village, a spring with clear, cold water appeared. The people joyfully drank from it. Refreshed, they looked around and noticed a shepherd with a flock of sheep grazing by the riverbank, where the newly formed stream flowed. The travelers greeted the old shepherd. After resting thoroughly, they saddled their horses and crossed to the other side of the river.

Meanwhile, the groom had already forgotten the promise he had made to God.
Of course, the groom's thoughts were no secret to God. He decided to punish him and turned the groom and his entire company into stone. The groom on his horse, the bride on hers, their parents, the guests, the gifts, and even the shepherd with his sheep—all were turned to stone.

A beautiful stone cross appeared near the spring. The carvings on it have survived to this day, serving as a reminder of human ingratitude. Fairy girl