The Taste of Baklava
What is the sweetest treat and what is the most delicious dish?Everyone named their favorite dish and boasted that it was the most delicious.
"No, brothers," Sako joined the conversation, "the sweetest thing is baklava."
"And how do you know that?" asked Keri Toros.
"If I didn't know, I wouldn't say so," replied Sako.
"How do you know? Oh, you!" teased Magdesants Arut. "Have you ever eaten baklava yourself?"
"I haven't eaten it, but I know," Sako answered proudly.
"If you haven't eaten it, how do you know that baklava is sweet?" asked Keri Toros.
"Oh, you!" Sako said resentfully. "Even though I haven't eaten baklava, I know. I learned about it when I went to the bazaar in Kars last year. I saw people eating baklava. And they said, 'Baklava is very sweet.'"
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