No Goat with Nuts

The goat went to strip bast, and the goat went to pluck nuts.
The goat came back with the bast—no goat with the nuts.
No goat with the nuts, no goat with the roasted ones!
— Well then, goat! I'll send the wolf after you.

The wolf won't go to chase the goat.
No goat with the nuts, no goat with the roasted ones!
— Well then, wolf! I'll send the bear after you.
The bear won't go to fight the wolf, the wolf won't go to chase the goat.
No goat with the nuts, no goat with the roasted ones!

— Well then, bear! I'll send people after you.
People won't go to shoot the bear, the bear won't go to fight the wolf, the wolf won't go to chase the goat.
No goat with the nuts, no goat with the roasted ones!
— Well then, people! I'll send the cudgels after you.

The cudgels won't go to beat the people, people won't go to shoot the bear, the bear won't go to fight the wolf, the wolf won't go to chase the goat.
No goat with the nuts, no goat with the roasted ones!
— Well then, cudgels! I'll send the axe after you.

The axe won't go to chop the cudgels, the cudgels won't go to beat the people, people won't go to shoot the bear, the bear won't go to fight the wolf, the wolf won't go to chase the goat.
No goat with the nuts, no goat with the roasted ones!
— Well then, axe! I'll send the stone after you.

The stone won't go to dull the axe, the axe won't go to chop the cudgels, the cudgels won't go to beat the people, people won't go to shoot the bear, the bear won't go to fight the wolf, the wolf won't go to chase the goat.
No goat with the nuts, no goat with the roasted ones!
— Well then, stone! I'll send the fire after you.

The fire won't go to scorch the stone, the stone won't go to dull the axe, the axe won't go to chop the cudgels, the cudgels won't go to beat the people, people won't go to shoot the bear, the bear won't go to fight the wolf, the wolf won't go to chase the goat.
No goat with the nuts, no goat with the roasted ones!
— Well then, fire! I'll send the water after you.

The water won't go to douse the fire, the fire won't go to scorch the stone, the stone won't go to dull the axe, the axe won't go to chop the cudgels, the cudgels won't go to beat the people, people won't go to shoot the bear, the bear won't go to fight the wolf, the wolf won't go to chase the goat.
No goat with the nuts, no goat with the roasted ones!
— Well then, water! I'll send the wind after you.

The wind obeyed and went to drive the water, the water went to douse the fire, the fire went to scorch the stone, the stone went to dull the axe, the axe went to chop the cudgels, the cudgels went to beat the people, people went to shoot the bear, the bear went to fight the wolf, the wolf went to chase the goat.
The goat came back with the nuts, the goat came back with the roasted ones! Fairy girl