The Blessed Nuts
Three brothers went to a foreign land to earn money. They came to a crossroads and stopped. The eldest brother said:— Here we will part ways. I will take the right road uphill, you, the middle brother, take the left, and you, the youngest, take the middle road. In three years, on St. Demetrius Day, we will meet again at this crossroads and see how much each of us has earned. Agreed?
— Agreed, brother, — replied the younger brothers.
They kissed the eldest brother's hand and went their separate ways.
The eldest brother settled in a town. He opened a bakery and in three years amassed a full bag of gold coins. The middle brother opened a tavern by the bridge, rolled up his sleeves, and started trading — soon he had filled his pockets. The youngest brother hired himself out as an assistant to a kind old shepherd.
Three years passed, and the young man went to the shepherd for his payment. The shepherd counted out his earned money, piled it up, then took three nuts from his belt and said:
— I am an old, sick man, frail and weak, and I no longer have the strength to run after the sheep. It’s a good thing you came along, or else my whole flock would have been lost. Thank you so much, you tended the sheep well. You are owed this payment: either this much money or these three nuts — here, lying before you. I will give you the money without a blessing, because money is like fire: it burns a person’s hand. But I will give you the nuts from the bottom of my heart, with a blessing. Choose: take the money or the nuts.
The young man thought and thought, then reached out for the nuts.
— I’ll take the nuts, since you give them from your heart and with a blessing.
He took the nuts, kissed the old shepherd’s hand, and set off on his way.
On St. Demetrius Day, the three brothers met at the crossroads.
— Did you return with good earnings? — asked the eldest.
— With good, — replied the youngest.
— Let’s see! But first, look at how much I’ve earned.
The eldest brother untied his bag, and the middle brother pulled out a purse of money from under his coat.
— That’s great! — said the eldest to him.
Then the youngest brother reached into his pocket and took out three nuts.
— What is this?! — asked the eldest brother. — Is this all you earned in three years?
— Yes! Only three nuts, but they were given from the heart and with a blessing, — replied the youngest. — An old shepherd gave them to me for tending his sheep. He cared for me like a father.
The elder brothers grew angry.
— We’ve seen many fools, but there’s no one in the world as foolish as you! — shouted the eldest brother. — To work for three years for three nuts — such a thing has never been heard of or seen! Go back and demand money from the shepherd, and don’t show your face in our father’s house without it.
The young man grew sad and turned back. His heart was heavy. As he walked, he said to himself:
— I thought that when someone gives you something from the heart, it’s the best thing in the world, but look what’s happened.
He walked and walked until he reached a spring. He bent down to drink some water, took a sip or two, but didn’t drink more — he was too hungry. He searched his bag — not a crumb of bread. “Let me crack open my nuts,” thought the hungry young man, “at least I’ll satisfy my hunger a little.” He cracked open one nut. What a miracle! The nut began to grow; it grew and grew until it became a huge barrel. And from the shell, sheep, lambs, and rams with bells around their necks began to pour out — a whole flock emerged from one nut.
The young man was overjoyed. He gathered the flock and headed home. He walked and walked until he approached his village. “Let me crack open the second nut,” he thought, “and see what’s inside.”
He cracked open the second nut. As soon as the shell split, two young oxen with long horns stepped out, followed by a cart with an iron plow.
The young man slapped his forehead.
— What wonders! — he said.
He took the chain and led the oxen behind the flock. But before reaching the village, he decided to crack open the third nut. He cracked it open. And from the shell emerged a girl, so beautiful that no words could describe her.
— Take me to your father’s house, — said the girl. — It is my fate to be your wife.
The young man seated the girl on the cart and led the oxen. The sheep walked, their bells ringing. The young man returned home and held a wedding. He invited nine villages to the celebration. And I was at that wedding. I ate, drank, and made merry — so much so that to this day, my heart is light!
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- Why the Weather in March is Changeable
- The Little Piece of Lime
- The Punished Clumsy Bear
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- The Brave Youth with a Star on His Forehead and His Horned Horse