The Feat of Gao Liang
Not far from the Western Gate of China's capital, Beijing, flows the clear Changhe River. A stone bridge spans the river, connecting two major roads—the Northern and Southern roads. The elderly call this bridge Gao Liang Qiao—Gao Liang Bridge. Here is the ancient legend that tells its story.This happened long ago, in the year when the general Liu Bowen had just begun building Beijing. It was no easy task: thousands of stonemasons prepared the stone, tens of thousands of carters, masons, and carpenters transported logs and stone blocks, laid walls, and covered roofs—building a new city. Once, there was a large body of water here called Kuhai—the Bitter Sea. Hundreds of thousands of diggers worked day and night to fill it in and level the bottom. But then disaster struck. The Dragon King, ruler of all seas, rivers, and lakes, demanded a gift from the people—a hundred of the most beautiful maidens of Beijing! The city's ruler, the wise and just Liu Bowen, grew angry and refused the Dragon King, who then harbored a grudge.
The Dragon King pondered long on how to take revenge but could think of nothing. So, he sought advice from his grandmother.
—"You must dry up all the wells in the city," said the old woman. "People cannot live without water: women won’t be able to cook rice, men won’t be able to mix clay; they will have nothing to drink. They will either die of thirst or abandon these lands."
The Dragon King was pleased and set to work: he drained all the water from Beijing's wells into two large wooden buckets, loaded them onto a cart, and, with his grandmother, began to leave the city.
And so, terrible news spread through Beijing: the water had vanished from the wells! How would they live now? How would they build? The city faced ruin.
Upon hearing of the disaster, Liu Bowen sank into deep thought. At that moment, the creak of a cart was heard near the Western Gate. Liu Bowen understood everything. A plan to save the city instantly formed in his mind. It was no wonder people said that Liu Bowen knew all the affairs of heaven and earth.
The ruler ordered all the men to be summoned, and when they arrived, he said:
—"This is a matter of life and death for the people of Beijing. To save the city, we need just one person—the bravest of the brave, the most honest of the honest, one for whom the lives of the people are more precious than his own. If he fulfills his duty with honor, his feat will be truly great. But if he fails, tens of thousands will perish, cursing his name! Who among you will take on this task?"
After listening to Liu Bowen, the famed generals and high-ranking officials frowned, the warriors pondered, and the merchants fell silent. The city's ruler smirked and was about to repeat his question when a young man in the clothes of a common worker stepped forward from the crowd.
—"I will do it!" he said resolutely.
—"Who are you?" asked Liu Bowen.
—"I am the stonemason Gao Liang," he replied. "Yes, he is suited for this task," thought Liu Bowen, "he is honest, calm, and brave."
The ruler dismissed the gathered crowd and led Gao Liang to his chambers.
—"What I am about to tell you, only the two of us will know," the young man heard. "Let the truth remain hidden until success is achieved!"
Gao Liang silently nodded. Then Liu Bowen continued:
—"Now, without delay, take a long, sharp spear and head through the Western Gate along the main road. Run quickly, and soon you will overtake two old people with a cart. On the cart, you will see two buckets of water. Do not drink the water, but use the spear to overturn the buckets! This is the water the cursed Dragon King has stolen from us. The old man with the cart is the Dragon King himself, the old woman is his wicked grandmother, and the buckets contain the water from our wells. Do not listen to the cries of these old people—smash the buckets, and as soon as the water spills, drive it toward the city. Once the water flows, run back as fast as you can. Do not listen to the shouts and roars, do not turn around at their pleas. Only after running a hundred steps may you look back. Remember everything I have told you. Now go, save your city!"
Without bidding farewell to his family, taking only the long spear, Gao Liang rushed to the Western Gate. He ran long and hard to the northwest and by evening caught up with the Dragon King. The old man was pushing a small cart from behind, while the old woman pulled it from the front. On the cart stood two buckets of clear water.
Tired and sweating, Gao Liang saw the water, and a terrible thirst began to overcome him. Never before had he wanted to drink so badly! But Gao Liang remembered his fellow townspeople waiting for water and overcame his thirst. He ran to the cart and struck the buckets with his spear. The spear pierced one bucket and overturned the other.
—"Pu-pu! Hua-hua!" The water splashed and flowed onto the ground.
The old man began to cry, and the old woman wailed pitifully, begging Gao Liang to lift the bucket. But remembering Liu Bowen's instructions, he poured out all the water and drove it with his spear toward Beijing. At first, the water flowed in a small stream. Gao Liang jumped over it and ran ahead. Now, a raging torrent surged behind him.
Suddenly, cries for help were heard from behind, followed by a terrible beastly roar. But Gao Liang, without turning back, ran forward, counting his steps: ten, twenty, fifty. Behind him, cliffs crumbled, waves roared, and water thundered. But Gao Liang, noticing nothing, raced onward! Sixty, seventy, eighty steps.
On the city wall, a crowd gathered. Everyone watched this incredible race. The people of Beijing cheered on their fellow townsman. Eighty-five, ninety, ninety-five steps. And suddenly, everything behind him fell silent. The noise and splashing of water ceased. Had the water turned back? Would Beijing perish? Would tens of thousands die of thirst?!
Terror gripped Gao Liang. No! He had to bring the water back! And so, on the ninety-ninth step, Gao Liang turned around. Ai-ya! A massive wave of water crashed down on him, knocking him off his feet. In an instant, the hero disappeared beneath the waves, only his spear floating on the turbulent water...
Thus perished the brave Gao Liang. But he had fulfilled his task: the water reached the city and filled the wells! The courageous Gao Liang drowned, but his glory did not die—it lives on in legends and songs. And the people of Beijing built a bridge on the site of the hero's death, known to all as Gao Liang Bridge.
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