An Eagle in a Dove's Nest
"Oh, what is this?" exclaimed the dove when something fell from the sky into her nest and almost knocked little Bilya and Koo off the branch. They were sitting there, pondering whether they would ever dare to fly."It's a very ugly bird, Mama," said Bilya, one of the fledglings, staring wide-eyed at the frightening stranger. "He has no feathers, and he looks so sad and scared."
"Comfort him, Mama," cooed little Koo, an exceptionally kind dove. "Poor chick, he seems hurt and frightened, but he's so big and wild! Oh, he doesn't look like the other chicks at all. I'm even a little scared to approach him," said the dove, peering nervously into the nest.
It was indeed a strange chick. Despite his young age, he took up the entire nest, and though he could barely breathe from the fall, he boldly looked around with his golden, shining eyes, impatiently flapped his injured wings, and opened his curved beak as if ready to bite someone. "The chick is hungry," said Bilya (he himself had a good appetite and loved to eat heartily). "Give him that pretty berry you brought for me," said Koo, always ready to help anyone.
The dove offered the chick a ripe strawberry, but he refused to eat it and let out such a loud and fierce cry that the delicate doves trembled on their pink feet. "I'll fly to the owl and ask her to look at our guest and explain what kind of bird he is and how to care for him." The dove carefully settled her children in a nearby empty nest and flew away. Bilya and Koo sat motionless, curiously watching the unfamiliar bird, who screamed, flapped his wings, and flashed his golden eyes. "Oh, it's an eaglet," said the owl. "You'd better push him out of the nest because as soon as he grows up, he'll eat all of you or fly away without a thought of thanking you for all your care." "I can't drive the poor chick out of my home. Maybe if I keep the eaglet and treat him kindly, I can make him love us and feel happy here? Of course, when he can take care of himself, I'll let him go," said the dove. "If anyone can do it, it's you," said the owl. "Only you know how hard it is to tame a predator. Eagles are very predatory. This is a royal eagle, the most beautiful bird of all. He probably lived in some nest in the mountains. I can't imagine how he ended up with you. But it happened: the eaglet is here, he's hungry, not yet feathered, and you can do as you please. Just remember: feed him worms and caterpillars, and if possible, tame him."
The owl quickly flew away. She hated the light and didn't want to talk anymore. She thought the dove was being foolish to keep the eaglet. "Let him rest here, and then send him away," said the dove's mate, who was very cautious. "No, no, Mama, keep the eaglet here, love him, and make him kind. I know he won't want to hurt us," cried little Koo. "I'll think about it, my dears. For now, I need to bring him some food," said the dove and flew off. The dove was a very kind and intelligent bird with a strong will. Once she decided on something, she never changed her mind.
Soon she returned with a fat, juicy worm in her beak. Her fosterling quickly swallowed it and began to cry out, demanding more food. The kind dove had to fly back and forth nine times before the eaglet was full. She wanted to feed him well. Finally, the eaglet tucked his head under his wing and slept for a whole hour.
He woke up in a good mood and began answering questions in a sharp and piercing voice, quite unlike the gentle cooing of the doves. "What is your name, my dear?" asked the dove. "My name is Golden Eye, but my father calls me just Golden." "And where did you live, little one?" "Far, far away, in the mountains, among the clouds, in a nest much bigger than this one." "Why did you leave it, my dear?" "My mother died, and when my father was at her funeral, an evil hawk grabbed me and carried me away. But I pecked him so hard that he dropped me. That's how I ended up here." "Oh dear, what a sad story," sighed the dove. Bilya looked around to see if the hawk was nearby, while Koo wiped away a tear with her left wing, hopped closer to the nest, and said, "Please, Mama, let's keep Golden. He has no mother and can't return home. We'll love him very, very much, and I hope he'll like living with us." "Yes, my dear, I will keep Golden here without fear. Eagles are noble birds, and if I treat this poor eaglet well, perhaps his family will spare the little birds for our sake." "I'll gladly stay here until I learn to fly. And I'll tell my family not to harm you because you are kind birds, and I love you," said Golden, stretching out his beak to kiss the dove. The eaglet was pleased that she praised his kind, and the gentleness of his new friends touched him.
The forest birds took turns coming to see the dove's fosterling, and they all agreed that he would bring her much trouble. Indeed, it was clear that with Golden's stubbornness and sharpness, it would be hard to get along with him. However, the mother dove did not drive the eaglet away, and though he often drove her to despair, she still loved her fosterling and believed that sooner or later, with love and patience, she would succeed in taming him. Her own children gave her no trouble at all.
Indeed, Bil had a tendency to act willfully, but as soon as she would say, "My son, do as I command, for it will please me," he would immediately yield. And gentle Ku loved her mother so much that a single glance from the dove was enough to stop and warn her. But, oh my God, how much the dove suffered with her foster child. If Golden was denied what he desired, he would scream and peck, demanding to be fed only what he wanted, and if refused, he would throw his meal to the ground and then sit hunched for hours on end.
He mocked Bil and Ku, put on airs in front of other birds who came to visit him, and told everyone that he was no ordinary eagle but a royal one, that one day he would soar high and live among the clouds with his regal father.
Despite these flaws, the winged inhabitants of the forest loved Golden because he had many attractive qualities. He pitied every wronged bird, was very generous, and gave away everything he owned.
When the young eagle was in good spirits, he would sit proudly upright, like a true king, and tell stories to the doves and their friends, who loved to listen to him and watch him. Golden had grown quite handsome: his down had been replaced by beautiful feathers, his marvelous golden eyes shone brightly, and he had learned to speak softly, not to scream like eagles who must call loudly to one another up high where the winds howl and thunder roars.
When the eaglet fell, he badly injured one wing, and the dove immediately tied it with a piece of grapevine so it wouldn't drag and weaken. Golden's other wing had long since grown strong and could work in the air, but the injured one still bore a bandage. The wise and kind dove did not want the eaglet, realizing his wing had healed, to fly away too soon. Golden had changed greatly, and though he dreamed of seeing his father and returning home to the mountains, he had grown to love the doves and felt happy with them.
One day, as he sat alone on a pine tree, a kite flew past him. The kite saw the eaglet, stopped, and asked him what he was doing alone in the tree. Golden told him his story. After listening to the end, the kite remarked mockingly, "Oh, you foolish bird! Tear off the bandage and fly with me. I will help you find your father." These words stirred Golden. When the kite used his strong beak to rip off the bandage from the young eagle's wing, Golden flapped his wings and felt that they were healthy.
With a cry of joy, Golden soared upward, he began to glide in the air, describing wide circles and trying to learn to stay still, descend, and ascend, as other eagles did. The kite showed him how predatory birds fly, praised him, flattered him, hoping to lure the eaglet to his nest, and then find Golden's father and, by returning his son, earn the favor of the king of birds. The dove, Bil, and Ku returned home and saw that the nest was empty. They grew anxious, and then the linnet told them that Golden had flown away with the kite. "What did I tell you?" cried the owl, shaking her round head thoughtfully. "Your kindness and all your efforts were in vain. I'm sure you will never see that ungrateful bird again!" The dove wiped tears from her shining eyes with her pink foot and said gently, "No, my dear, love and care are never in vain. Even if Golden never returns to us, I will still rejoice that I treated him like a mother. Oh, I am sure he will never forget us and will become kinder and gentler from having lived in a dove's nest." Ku began to comfort the dove, while Bil fluttered up to the top branch of the pine tree, hoping to catch a glimpse of the runaway. "I think I see our Golden flying with that wicked kite," he said. "It's a pity he has such a dangerous companion. The kite will teach our friend something bad and perhaps treat him cruelly if Golden doesn't obey him." Bil stood on tiptoe, peering at two black dots visible in the blue sky. "Let's all shout, coo, sing, and whistle together; maybe Golden will hear us and return. I know he loves us. Despite his pride and willfulness, he is a good bird," said the dove, and she began to coo with all her might.
The other birds chirped, whistled, twittered, sang, and cried out. The whole forest filled with this music, and a faint echo reached the cloud where Golden was bathing, trying to look directly at the sun. He was already tired. The kite was angry with the young eagle for not wanting to fly to his nest but instead wishing to set off immediately in search of his father. The kite began to peck at Golden and scold him. And when the singing of the forest birds reached the eaglet, it seemed to him that he heard the words: "Come back home, dear, come back to us. We are all waiting for you, all waiting!" Some force made Golden turn toward the ground, and he began to descend rapidly. The kite did not dare to follow him, for he saw a farmer with a gun and realized that the man would shoot him, a thief who often stole his chicks. Golden was glad to be rid of the kite and happily returned to his friends, who greeted him with joyful cries. "I knew my dear would not abandon us without saying goodbye," cooed the mother dove, gently smoothing the ruffled feathers of the young eagle. "It seems to me, dear mother, that you not only tied my wing with a thread but also bound my heart to our nest," said Golden, moving closer to the white breast full of such great love for him. "I will fly away and return and tell you everything that happens to me. If I meet my father, I will not fly to him without saying goodbye to you and thanking you with all my heart." Golden remained with the dove family; he grew strong and beautiful. Now he had golden feathers on his head, his eyes shone brightly, and his broad wings easily lifted him into the sky, where he gazed unblinkingly at the sun.
He had become a true eagle—fearless, beautiful, and proud. Yet, Golden still loved the gentle doves. Returning from afar, he would perch on the old pine tree and tell his friends about everything he had seen on the green earth and in the blue sky. The doves and other forest birds never grew tired of his stories.
They sat quietly, motionless, their round eyes fixed on him. They all admired and loved him because, despite his strength, Golden never harmed them. And when a kite approached the forest, he would chase it away, thus protecting the forest birds. They called him the prince of the forest and hoped he would stay with them forever. However, Golden longed for his home on the mountain peak, for his father, and the older he grew, the stronger his longing became, for he was not living the life a bird born for the mountains and clouds, for battling storms and soaring high beneath the sun, was meant to live. But he hid his sorrow.
One day, Golden flew very far and landed on a small cliff to rest. Suddenly, not far from him, he saw a huge eagle perched on a rock, gazing down at the earth with sharp eyes, as if searching for something. Golden had never seen such a regal bird and decided to speak to his proud neighbor. The old eagle listened with interest to the young eagle, and before Golden could finish, he let out a joyful cry: "You are my lost child! I have searched for you everywhere and had begun to think you were dead. Greetings, my brave son, prince of the air, joy of my heart!" Golden felt the large eagle wings embrace him, the regal golden feathers pressing against his own. The eagle's shining eyes looked at him with love.
The king of birds told him at length about his beautiful mother, his new home, and the friends who were waiting to introduce Golden to the life of freedom. The young eagle listened with delight, but when his father wanted to take him away immediately, he replied gently but firmly: "No, Father, I must first say goodbye to the dear, kind birds who cared for me when I was a pitiful, helpless, angry chick. I promised them this, and I do not want to sadden them. I will not fly away without telling them how happy I am and thanking them for everything." "Yes, you must do that. Convey my gratitude to them as well. Also, take this feather to the dove and tell her that no flying creature will dare harm her as long as she has this royal gift. Hurry, my son, and return as quickly as you can, for I cannot be parted from you for long." Golden descended to the pine tree and told his friends everything.
Although the doves were deeply saddened by the impending separation, they decided it was for the best, for Golden's true place was beside his regal father. Besides, they, like other migratory birds, were already preparing to fly south for the winter, and they would have had to part with him anyway, for eagles love snow, wind, and storms and do not migrate to warm lands in autumn. The other forest birds were delighted to learn that Golden had found his father.
When the time came for him to leave, they all gathered to bid him farewell. The dove was very proud of the golden feather she had been given. Bill and Coo felt as brave as lions when she placed the feather in her nest like a banner. Among the birds, it was considered a great honor to receive such a gift from the king. The forest filled with the sounds of a farewell concert. Everyone who could sing in any way took part. Even the owl hooted, and the hoarse crows cawed.
In the air, mosquitoes buzzed, and in the grass, crickets chirped madly. And after a long farewell, Golden soared into the air. He rose higher and higher, disappearing into the azure sky, but beneath his wing, he hid a small white feather—the last gift from his foster mother, the dove. The lessons of the gentle bird helped him throughout his life to control his will, to be a support to his father, and to be the pride of the high mountains. Truly, he had become the noblest eagle ever to turn his golden eyes toward the sun.
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