The Reed Hat
Well, listen! Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy man who had three daughters. One day, he decided to find out how much they loved him. So he asked his eldest daughter:"Tell me, how much do you love me, my dear?"
"As much as my own life!" she replied.
"That's good," he said. Then he turned to his middle daughter: "And how much do you love me, my dear?"
"More than anything in the world!" she answered.
"Very good," he said. Finally, he asked his youngest daughter: "And how much do you love me, my little dove?"
"I love you as much as meat loves salt," she replied.
Oh, how angry the father became!
"So, you don't love me at all," he said. "If that's the case, you are no longer welcome in my house!"
And with that, he drove her out and slammed the door behind her.
And so it was. She wandered aimlessly, walking and walking until she came to a marsh. There, she gathered reeds and wove herself a cloak with a hood. She wrapped herself in it from head to toe to hide her beautiful dress and continued on her way. After a long journey, she finally reached a house.
"Do you need a servant?" she asked.
"No, we don't," they replied.
"I have nowhere else to go," she said. "I won't ask for wages, and I'll do whatever you tell me."
"Well," they said, "if you want to wash pots and clean pans, you can stay!"
And so she stayed, washing pots, cleaning pans, and doing all the dirty work. Since she never told anyone her name, everyone called her Reed Cap.
One day, a grand ball was being held nearby, and all the servants were allowed to go and watch the noble guests. But Reed Cap said she was too tired and wouldn't go, so she stayed home.
As soon as everyone left, she threw off her reed cloak, washed her face, and went to the ball. And believe me, no one at the ball was more beautiful than her!
As fate would have it, the son of her employers also came to the ball. He fell in love with Reed Cap at first sight and danced with her all evening.
But just before the ball ended, Reed Cap slipped away and returned home. By the time the other servants came back, she had already put on her reed cloak and pretended to be asleep.
The next morning, the servants told her:
"You should have seen what happened at the ball last night!"
"What?" asked Reed Cap.
"You know, a young lady arrived, and oh, how beautiful she was, all dressed up! Our young master couldn't take his eyes off her!"
"I wish I could have seen her!" said Reed Cap.
"Well, tonight there's another ball, and she'll probably come again."
But when evening came, Reed Cap again said she was too tired and wouldn't go with the others. However, as soon as the servants left, she threw off her reed cloak, washed her face, and hurried to the ball.
The young master was waiting for her. He danced only with her and couldn't take his eyes off her. But just before the ball ended, Reed Cap quietly slipped away and returned home. By the time the other servants came back, she had already put on her reed cloak and pretended to be asleep.
The next day, the servants told her:
"Oh, Reed Cap, you should have seen that lady! She was at the ball again, and our young master couldn't stop looking at her."
"Well," said Reed Cap, "I wouldn't mind seeing her."
"Then listen, there's another ball tonight. Come with us! She'll probably be there."
But when evening came, Reed Cap once again said:
"I'm too tired. If you want, go without me, and I'll stay home."
But as soon as they left, she threw off her reed cloak, washed her face, and hurried to the ball.
The young master was overjoyed to see her. He danced only with her and couldn't take his eyes off her. This time, he asked her name and where she was from, but she didn't answer. Instead, he gave her a ring and said he would die of sorrow if he never saw her again.
Yet, just before the ball ended, Reed Cap quietly slipped away and returned home. By the time the other servants came back, she had already put on her reed cloak and pretended to be asleep.
The next day, the servants told her:
"See, Reed Cap! You didn't go with us last night, and now you'll never see that lady. There won't be any more balls!"
"Oh, what a pity! I really wanted to see her!" replied Reed Cap.
And so it was.
And what about the young master?
He did everything he could to find out where Reed Cap had gone, but it was all in vain. No matter where he went or whom he asked, no one knew anything about her. He became so heartbroken that he fell ill, took to his bed, and even stopped eating.
"Cook some oatmeal for the young master," they ordered the cook. "Or else he might die of longing for that beauty."
The cook immediately set to work. Meanwhile, Reed Cap entered the kitchen.
"What are you cooking?" she asked.
"Oatmeal for the young master," replied the cook. "Maybe he'll eat it. Or else he might die of longing for that beauty."
"Let me cook it!" Reed Cap requested.
The cook agreed, though not right away, and Reed Cap herself cooked the oatmeal for the young master. When the oatmeal was ready, she secretly threw the ring into it.
The oatmeal was brought to the sick man. He ate it and found the ring at the bottom of the bowl.
"Bring the cook to me!" he ordered. The cook came to him.
"Who cooked the oatmeal?" he asked.
"I did," she lied, frightened. But he looked at her and said:
"No, it wasn't you! Tell me the truth, who cooked it? You won't be punished."
"Well, if that's the case," she said, "it was Reed Cap."
"Bring Reed Cap to me!" he said.
So Reed Cap came.
"Did you cook the oatmeal for me?" the young man asked.
"Yes," she replied.
"And where did you get this ring?" he asked.
"From the one who gave it to me!" she answered.
"But who are you?"
"You'll see!"
And she threw off her reed cloak and stood before him in her beautiful dress.
Of course, the young man quickly recovered, and they decided to get married. They wanted to have a grand wedding and invited guests from everywhere. Reed Cap's father was also invited, but she never revealed who she was.
Just before the wedding, she went to the cook and said:
"When you prepare the meat dishes, don't put any salt in them!"
"It won't taste good," the cook remarked.
"Never mind," said Reed Cap.
"Alright, I won't salt them," the cook agreed.
The wedding day arrived. After the ceremony, all the guests sat down to eat. But when they tasted the meat, it was so bland that it was impossible to eat. Reed Cap's father tried one dish after another and suddenly burst into tears.
"What's wrong?" asked the young master.
"Ah!" he replied. "I had a daughter. Once, I asked her how much she loved me, and she said, 'As much as meat loves salt.' Well, I thought she didn't love me at all and drove her out of the house. Now I see that she loved me more than anyone. But she must be gone by now."
"Look, father, here she is!" exclaimed Reed Cap, rushing to her father and throwing her arms around his neck.
From that day on, they all lived happily ever after.
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