The Little Goats and the Wolf
Three little goats set off to the fair. They were cheerful, and along the way, they jumped, laughed, and sang. Spotting them from afar, an old wolf hid behind a large bush on their path."Stop!" he shouted.
"What do you want, old wolf?"
"Blackie, I'm going to eat you!"
"No, don't eat me, eat Whitey!"
"Whitey, I'm going to eat you!"
"No, don't eat me, eat Reddie!"
"Reddie, I'm going to eat you!"
"No, no, don't eat us: we're going to the fair, where they sell sweet gingerbread. We'll buy a lot and give you the tastiest ones!"
"Fine, fine! But hurry up, because I'm very hungry. And if you forget about me, I'll swallow all three of you—Blackie, Whitey, and Reddie."
"Yes, yes, yes! Goodbye, old wolf!"
The little goats continued on their way and reached the town. They immediately ran to the fair, bought candies and gingerbread, and didn't leave until there wasn't a single coin left in their purse.
Unfortunately, they munched on the candies and gingerbread so eagerly along the way that when the old wolf demanded his share, the poor little goats had nothing left.
"Well, where are my gingerbreads?" asked the wolf.
"Don't mention it, we set aside your share but lost it along the way."
"Blackie, I'm going to eat you!"
"No, Whitey!"
"Whitey, I'm going to eat you!"
"No, Reddie!"
"Reddie, I'm going to eat you!"
"Before you eat us, go pick some nuts for us in the forest!"
"I'll go right away. And when I return, I'll swallow you all."
At that, Whitey, Blackie, and Reddie quickly built a little house and surrounded it with bundles of thorny bushes. Then they lit a fire in the hearth and waited.
Knock-knock!—the wolf knocked.
"Climb down the chimney, we lost the key!"
The old wolf climbed onto the roof, went down the chimney, and burned up inside.
You can imagine how happy the three little goats were when they returned home to their parents!
More fairy tales
- Princess Thronkolen
- About the Sorcerer's Apprentice
- The Wolf, the Snail, and the Wasps
- Princess Markassa and the Bird Dredein
- The Carpenter from Arles