The Night of the Four Storms
Once upon a time, there lived a widow who was as black as tar and as old as a roadside stone. And the older she grew, the younger and more beautiful she considered herself to be. This old woman had only one servant, named Burtumie. They lived in the middle of the forests in a huge castle inhabited by bats and owls. In the old woman's dungeon stood seven barrels filled with golden Spanish coins, and every morning she would dry her treasures in the sun.One morning, as she was, as usual, laying out her gold on the grass, a handsome knight on a black horse rode by.
"Good day, madam! What are you doing?"
"Handsome knight, I am drying my widow's inheritance in the sun."
"Madam, the inheritance is beautiful, but its mistress is even more so. Will you marry me?"
"Handsome knight, go on your way. Go on your way and return for me on the night of the four tempests."
A year later, at midnight, the handsome knight knocked on the castle doors.
"Hey, madam, wake up! It is time to celebrate our wedding."
"Handsome knight, what is the weather like today?"
"Madam, the rain is pouring down in buckets."
"Handsome knight, go on your way. It is not yet time for me to marry."
Another year later, at midnight, the handsome knight knocked on the castle doors again.
"Hey, madam, wake up! It is time to celebrate our wedding."
"Handsome knight, what is the weather like today?"
"Madam, the rain is pouring down in buckets, and the storm is howling like a beast."
"Handsome knight, go on your way. It is not yet time for me to marry."
Another year later, at midnight, the handsome knight knocked on the castle doors once more.
"Hey, madam, wake up! It is time to celebrate our wedding."
"Handsome knight, what is the weather like today?"
"Madam, the rain is pouring down in buckets, the storm is howling like a beast, and the wind is uprooting trees."
"Handsome knight, go on your way. It is not yet time for me to marry."
Another year later, at midnight, the handsome knight knocked on the castle doors again.
"Hey, madam, wake up! It is time to celebrate our wedding."
"Handsome knight, what is the weather like today?"
"Madam, the rain is pouring down in buckets, the storm is howling like a beast, the wind is uprooting trees, and hail is falling heavily, each hailstone the size of a fist."
"Handsome knight, this is the night of the four tempests. Hurry, hurry, it is time to celebrate our wedding! Hey, Burtumie, hurry! Bring out and saddle my white mare."
"Hey, Burtumie, saddle, saddle,
Saddle my donkey quickly!"
An hour later, the old woman in her wedding attire, Burtumie, and the handsome knight galloped through the forest. The rain poured down in buckets, the storm howled like a beast, the wind uprooted trees, and hail fell heavily, each hailstone the size of a fist.
"Hey, Burtumie, whip, whip,
Whip my donkey harder!"
"Very well, madam!"
"Hey, Burtumie, whip, whip,
Whip my donkey harder!"
Burtumie, what beautiful weather!
"Yes, madam!"
"Hey, Burtumie, whip, whip,
Whip my donkey harder!"
Burtumie, do you see those lights in the forest?
"Yes, madam, we are being pursued by wolves. Their eyes gleam in the impenetrable darkness."
"Hey, Burtumie, whip, whip,
Whip my donkey harder!"
No, Burtumie! The handsome knight has ordered the road to be lit in my honor. How rich he is! How he loves me!
"Yes, madam!"
"Hey, Burtumie, whip, whip,
Whip my donkey harder!"
Burtumie, do you hear the howling in the forest?
"Yes, madam, it is the wolves howling from hunger. They threaten us."
"Hey, Burtumie, whip, whip,
Whip my donkey harder!"
No, Burtumie! The handsome knight has arranged a celebration in my honor. How rich he is! How he loves me!
Then the wolves pounced on the old woman and her donkey. Burtumie grabbed his sword, but the handsome knight stopped him:
"Burtumie, let these beasts eat their fill. You will not regret it!"
When the wolves had eaten their fill and left, the handsome knight said:
"Burtumie, dismount and see what remains of the old woman and her donkey."
"Handsome knight, the old woman has left a golden leg, and the donkey has left four golden horseshoes with diamond nails."
"Burtumie, take them for yourself. Take everything—and hurry on your way!"
They both returned to the old woman's castle and lived there richly and happily.
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