About the Jug
There was once a jug. It wanted to drink some wine. It got up and went to the old woman’s house. As the jug walked along the road, it met a rooster.— Hello, jug!
— Hello, rooster!
— Where are you going, jug?
— To the old woman’s, I want to drink some wine.
— I’ll come with you.
— Alright, go ahead.
They walked on. As they went along the road, they met an egg.
— Hello, jug and rooster!
— Hello, egg!
— Where are you headed?
— We’re going to the old woman’s to drink wine.
— I’ll come with you.
— Alright, go ahead. The egg went in front.
The companions walked on: the jug, the rooster, and the egg. As they walked, they met a cobblestone.
— Hello, jug!
— Hello, cobblestone!
— Where are you going, jug?
— To the old woman’s to drink wine.
— Take me along as a companion.
— Go ahead.
Now there were four brothers walking: the jug, the rooster, the egg, and the cobblestone. As they walked, they met an awl.
— Hello, jug!
— Hello, awl!
— Where are you going, jug?
— To the old woman’s to drink wine.
— I’ll come with you.
— Alright, go ahead.
They walked on. Now there were five companions: the jug, the rooster, the egg, the cobblestone, and the awl. As they walked, they met a donkey.
— Hello, jug!
— Hello, donkey!
— Where are you going, jug?
— To drink wine.
— I’ll come with you.
— Go ahead.
They walked on. They arrived at the old woman’s house. The jug entered, and all the companions followed. The jug took the cobblestone and hung it from the ceiling, placed the rooster in a clay pot, stuck the awl into the mattress, tied the donkey in the hallway, hid itself in a large wine jug, and buried the egg in the ashes.
The old woman woke up from the noise. She went to the fire and began to fan it: the egg burst and splattered into her eyes. The old woman was frightened, and then the cobblestone fell on her head. She looked up, and the rooster smeared her eyes with droppings. She sat down on the bed, and the awl pricked her leg. Terrified, the old woman rushed into the hallway, and the donkey kicked her with its hooves. Overwhelmed with fear, the old woman abandoned her house and never returned.
The brothers sat down and began tossing their hats in the air. They are still sitting there to this day, feasting.
Let there be death and plague over there,
But here, let there be a grand feast!
Let there be chaff over there,
But here, let there be golden wheat!