Gifts of the Black Raven
Whether it happened or not—once upon a time, there lived a husband and wife. They were very poor. One day, the wife went to their neighbors to ask for some wheat. Everyone gave her a handful, and she collected quite a bit."Go and sow it," the wife told her husband. "Maybe something will grow, and we won’t starve so much."
The husband went and worked all day. He plowed the field and sowed the wheat. The field sprouted to everyone’s amazement. When harvest time came, the poor man took his sickle and went to reap the wheat.
As he approached the field, he saw birds from all over the world gathered there, covering the entire field and eating the grain. He became furious and started cursing and scolding the birds.
Suddenly, a black raven separated from the flock, flew up to him, and said:
"These birds are my guests. I invited them, and if you don’t shame me in front of them, I will grant you three wishes and give you whatever you ask for."
The peasant agreed and went home. His wife asked:
"Where’s the grain?"
"It’s not ripe yet," the husband lied. Time passed.
"Why aren’t you going to reap the wheat?" the wife nagged.
Then the husband remembered the black raven and decided to go ask for something in exchange for his grain.
He walked, not knowing where to go or where the raven’s home was. As he walked, he met an old *deva* (an evil, fantastical creature, half-human). The old woman dropped her spindle and said:
"Pick it up for me, son, I can’t bend down." He picked it up and handed it to her.
"Where are you going, son?" the old woman asked. He told her everything that had happened. The old woman said:
"You’re lucky, son, that you met me. Otherwise, you’d never find your way to the black raven. Go straight ahead until evening comes. When evening falls, stop, and the black raven will find you. He’ll take you home, bring you gold, silver, and precious stones, and say, ‘Take as much as you can carry.’ But you say, ‘I don’t want anything except your hand mill.’"
"Alright," he said, "I’ll do as you advise."
He walked and walked, and evening came. The poor man stopped and waited. Black ravens came out to meet him, led him to their home, seated him on a carpet, and laid out gold, silver, pearls, and precious stones before him, saying:
"Take as much as you can carry."
"I don’t want gold, silver, pearls, or precious stones," the poor man said. "Give me your hand mill."
The black ravens were upset, but they couldn’t break their word—so they gave him the hand mill.
The poor man took the mill and carried it. It was so heavy that sweat poured off him.
"What has that cursed old woman done to me? Why did she ruin me? They offered so much gold and silver, and I took this mill that’s making me sweat! What do I need it for? There are plenty of these in our village!"
He walked, grumbling, when the old woman appeared again.
"Set the mill down and turn it," she said.
The poor man turned it, and the most delicious dishes in the world came pouring out. They sat down and had a good meal. The poor man thanked the old woman and carried the mill home. When he arrived, he told his wife:
"Clean everything up nicely." The wife swept and tidied up.
He turned the mill, and dishes came pouring out. The wife was delighted, and they sat down to eat. They ate what they could and threw away the rest.
The husband and wife lived without want.
The husband rejoiced: "This hand mill will feed us. We won’t have to bother the black ravens again."
A long time passed.
"I must invite the king," the man said.
The wife said:
"Why should we invite the king?" But the husband insisted and invited the king. The king said:
"I’ll accept your invitation, but woe to you if you don’t treat me well."
The king arrived with all his troops and servants.
They set the table and served the most varied dishes one could imagine.
The king sent his advisors to find out who was preparing such meals. The advisors returned and reported that an old woman was sitting there, turning a mill, and all the dishes came out ready.
The king stopped eating and wouldn’t touch anything.
The poor man grew frightened and asked the advisors:
"Why won’t the king eat?"
They said the king demanded his mill, or he wouldn’t eat.
What could he do? The poor man agreed: "Let him dine. I’ll give him the mill."
The king took the mill, and the poor man began to starve again.
His wife was so furious she nearly strangled him. The poor man remembered the raven’s promise. He had promised to grant three wishes, and he had only used one. He decided to go back to the raven. On his way, he met the old woman again:
"Where are you going, son?" she asked. He told her everything. The old woman said:
"When you get there, don’t take gold, silver, pearls, or precious stones. Say, ‘I don’t want anything except your donkey.’"
"Alright," he said, "I’ll do as you advise."
The poor man arrived at the black ravens’ home. The ravens came out, welcomed him inside, treated him kindly, and laid out gold, silver, pearls, and precious stones before him.
"Choose whatever you like."
"I don’t want anything," he said. "Give me your donkey."
The ravens’ hearts sank: "How will we live if we give him our donkey?" But they couldn’t break their word—so they gave him the donkey.
He led the donkey away, thinking: "That cursed old woman! They offered me so much gold, and I chose this skinny donkey. What good is it to me?"
As he walked, the old woman appeared and said to the donkey:
"Go on, bray and shower him with gold."
The donkey brayed—and poured out so much gold that the poor man was buried under it.
"Now dig him out," the old woman commanded.
The donkey kicked, dug through the gold, and pulled the poor man out. He was overjoyed, thanked the old woman, and took the donkey home.
When he arrived, he said: "Give me a drink, old woman."
She ran to the well, fetched fresh water, and gave it to him. He drank, then turned to the donkey and said:
"Go on, bray and build me a house with sixteen windows."
The donkey brayed, and immediately a house appeared, just as the man had wanted.
Once again, the husband and wife lived happily and richly. The man invited the king to dine again. The king demanded the donkey as a gift. They gave him the donkey. The king left, and the old woman attacked her husband, beating him.
"Go to the ravens right now and ask for their mercy." The poor man set off again. As he walked, he saw the old woman coming toward him.
"Where are you going?"
"To the black ravens."
"Don’t take anything from them except a club," the old woman said.
The poor man went to the black ravens’ home. The ravens came out, welcomed him inside, treated him kindly, and laid out gold, silver, and precious stones before him. The man refused everything and asked only for a club. The ravens were surprised but granted his request. The poor man walked, carrying the club, and wondered: "What kind of miracle is hidden in this?" As he walked, the old woman appeared.
"Go on," she said, "spin, little club, don’t kill him, but teach this fool a lesson for his lack of sense." The club spun and beat the poor man so badly he could barely drag himself home. When he arrived, he said to the club:
"Go on, spin and teach my old woman a lesson." The club spun and beat his wife.
The next day, he took the magical club and went to the king. The king’s guards wouldn’t let him in.
"Go on, little club," the man said, "spin and teach them a lesson!" The club spun and beat the guards until they all fell to the ground.
He entered the palace and went straight to the king: "Give me back my mill and my donkey!" The king was furious and ordered:
"Throw him out!"
Then the man commanded the club: "Go on, little club, show your strength now." The club spun, and the king howled and shouted:
"Give him back his mill, his donkey, and add some money, just get rid of him and his club!"
And so, the poor man returned home with his mill, his donkey, and a lot of extra money.
More fairy tales
- Pashkundzhi
- The Beauty from the Distant Land of Nigozeti
- About the Hunter and His Son
- The Devil's Bridle
- Five Brothers and a Sister