Nine Brothers
A man had nine sons; the youngest was named Bulat. When they grew up, they asked their father to find wives for them."But," the sons said, "find us a man who has as many daughters as we are brothers, or we won't marry."
"My children, may you be happy, but I fear I won't find such a man. Still, I will search and help you," said the father, and he set off on his journey.
He walked and walked until he came to the dwelling of a *deva* (a demon or supernatural being).
"Hey, *deva*! How many daughters do you have?"
"Eight," replied the *deva*.
"Then we cannot be kin."
He walked on.
He walked and walked until he reached another *deva*.
"Hey, *deva*! How many daughters do you have?"
"Seven," replied the *deva*.
"We cannot be kin."
He walked on. He walked and walked until he came to a king. He learned that the king had eight daughters, all of marriageable age, each more beautiful than the last. The father pondered. What should he do? Marrying into the king's family would leave one son without a wife, but where could he find nine sisters?
"Ah, what will be, will be!" he thought, and sent a matchmaker to the king.
The king agreed, dressed all his daughters for the wedding, gave them half his kingdom as a dowry, and sent them to their grooms.
The father rode home, bringing the eight royal daughters. As they crossed a bridge, they stopped for a moment.
Suddenly, a Red *deva* emerged from under the bridge, grabbed the man, and wouldn't let him pass.
"Who are you, and what do you want?"
"I am the Red *deva*. Promise to send me your son Bulat, or I won't let you go."
What could he do? There was no way out—he promised.
The father rode on, his lips sealed as if in mourning, as though all his nine sons had been destroyed.
The sons saw their father and rode out to meet him. Bulat rode ahead of them.
"Glory to you, father! You have returned safely and brought brides for us all."
The father did not reply. Bulat was surprised and repeated his greeting:
"Father, glory to you! You have returned safely and brought brides for your sons."
Still, the father did not answer.
Bulat grew sad and went to his mother, asking:
"Mother, will you ask father why he won't speak to me?"
The father brought the eight brides into the house.
The mother asked:
"Why won't you speak to Bulat?"
"Ah, it would be better to lose all my sons than to see this: the Red *deva* stopped me on the bridge and demanded Bulat's head—he wouldn't let me pass otherwise. That's why I am so heavy-hearted, that's why I cannot speak to him."
Bulat stood by the door and heard everything. As soon as his father finished speaking, Bulat rushed to him and said:
"Father! Do not grieve over this. I will go to the *deva* today, and he will do nothing to me."
Bulat prepared himself and set off to the *deva*. The *deva* was waiting for him with open jaws. As soon as he saw Bulat, he rejoiced as if the gates of heaven had opened for him.
"Bulat, go and..."
"Ah, you filthy, unwashed creature," Bulat interrupted, "I know nothing, I will go nowhere... Let me rest first, then we'll see."
Bulat rested, and the *deva* spoke again:
"Hey, Bulat, go to the king. He has one daughter, the most beautiful of all. Bring her to me as my bride."
Bulat left the *deva*. He stood there, unsure what to do. He saw an old woman approaching.
"Hey, grandmother, do a good deed and teach me what to do."
"Many have gone to that king for his daughter, but none have returned alive. But do not fear, do as I teach you, and all will be well. On your way, you will meet three men: one who eats a lot, one who drinks a lot, and one who carries a lot. Take all three with you; they will be useful at the king's place."
Bulat bid the old woman farewell and continued on his way. As he walked through a field, he saw a man swallowing whole clods of earth, muttering:
"Ah, I'm so hungry, ah, I want more!"
Bulat asked the man to come with him. They walked together.
They walked and walked until they saw a man standing with his mouth under a waterfall, drinking and muttering:
"Ah, I'm so thirsty, ah, I want more!"
Bulat asked him to join them. Now they were three.
They walked and walked until they saw a man loading stones from the field onto his back, muttering:
"Not enough, not enough, I want more!"
Bulat called him, and he joined them. Now they were four.
They arrived at the king's palace. Bulat asked for the king's daughter in marriage.
The king said:
"Eat nine baskets of bread by evening, and I will give you my daughter."
Bulat turned to the man who ate a lot:
"You were swallowing earth in the field, muttering, 'I'm so hungry, I want more.' Show us what you can do now."
They brought nine baskets of bread. By evening, not a crumb remained.
Bulat reported this to the king and asked for the daughter in marriage.
The king said:
"I will give you one more task. If you and your companions can drink a full vat of beer, I will give you my daughter."
Bulat turned to the man who drank a lot. He leaned over the vat and drained it to the last drop.
They reported this to the king. The king was displeased and did not want to give his daughter to Bulat, but what could he do?
The king said:
"Give me three days, and I will give you my daughter."
Bulat disagreed.
"If you give her, then give her now; if not, we will take her anyway."
Bulat turned to the man who carried a lot:
"Now your help is needed. Load the king's palace onto your back and let's go."
The man lifted the entire palace onto his back and carried it away. Inside sat the king and his daughter.
The king, terrified, begged Bulat:
"Leave me, but take my daughter."
Bulat agreed. The king gave his daughter a generous dowry, blessed her, and let her go.
Bulat walked on, rejoicing. But he was troubled by the fact that he had to give the king's daughter to the *deva*. Instead of going to the *deva*, he went to the old woman he knew. He told her his story and asked for advice.
The old woman said:
"Do not bring the girl into the *deva*'s house. Instead, tell the *deva*: 'I have brought the beauty, come out and see her.' When he comes out, quickly drop the millstone hanging above his door on his head. If you succeed, your task is done."
Bulat did as she said. He called out to the *deva*:
"Hey, you filthy creature! I have brought the king's daughter for you. Here she is, come out and see her!"
The *deva* rejoiced and rushed outside. As soon as he stepped out, Bulat released the chain, and the millstone fell on the *deva*, crushing him to the ground.
Bulat divided the *deva*'s wealth into four parts: three for his companions, one for the old woman, and he kept the beauty for himself. Then he returned home.
Everyone rejoiced at Bulat's return, and they celebrated for a long time.
More fairy tales
- The Tale of Goremika—the Great Eater
- Pashkundzhi
- The Old Man Guest
- The Sun and the Rain
- The Arrogant Scholar and the Boatman