The Fox, the Rooster, the Ram, and the Little Bird
The fox, the rooster, the ram, and the little bird became friends. They set off together. On the way, night fell upon them. They made camp and lit a fire. The fox said to the rooster:— Rooster, let's wrestle.
They began to wrestle. The fox tore off the rooster's head and swallowed it. Then she ate the ram as well. The little bird then said to her:
— Little fox, I'm nothing but fat. Open your mouth, and I'll fly right into it so you can swallow me whole.
The fox opened her mouth, and the little bird grabbed a burning ember and shoved it into the fox's mouth. It burned her entire mouth, and the bird flew away. The fox was left with nothing.
The little bird flew on and saw two people beating a dog. She flew up to them and said:
— Give me that dog, and ask for whatever you want in return. They replied:
— Just rid us of this dog, and we'll give you whatever you want. The little bird led the dog away. The dog was hungry.
The little bird said:
— Do you see those old women eating matzoni? I'll fly near them, and when they chase me, you go and eat their matzoni.
And indeed, the little bird distracted the old women, and the dog ate the matzoni. Once the dog was full, the little bird led her further.
They saw the fox. The little bird hid the dog, flew up to the fox, and cried out:
— Hello, little fox! How's your mouth, has it healed? The fox replied:
— My mouth has healed, but there's no carrion anywhere, nothing to eat.
— Come with me, — the little bird called, — I'll find you some carrion. She laid the dog by the road and instructed her:
— Lie there as if dead, and when the fox comes and grabs you, jump up and tear her skin off.
The fox came, grabbed the dog by the tail, and the dog jumped up and tore the fox's skin off.
Death there, feast here,
Chaff there, flour here.
More fairy tales
- Fox's Tricks
- About the Hunter and His Son
- The Kind Shepherd and the Curious Girl
- About Two Lucky Pennies
- The Fox and the Quail