Your Money Is Not Lost
A poor man borrowed money from his wealthy neighbor but couldn't repay the debt. The rich neighbor kept coming to the poor man's house, demanding his money back. The poor man's wife grew tired of this and said to her husband:"You hide, and I'll deal with the neighbor myself." So, the rich man comes for his money.
"The master of the house isn't home. What do you need, good sir?" the woman says to him.
"Where is he? When will he repay my debt?"
"He's actually gone to take care of that matter. He'll buy some seeds, bring them back, plant thorny bushes, and when they grow, a caravan carrying cotton will pass by. The cotton tufts will get caught on the thorns, my husband will collect the cotton, sell it, and repay your debt."
The rich man laughed, but the woman took offense and said:
"It's easy for you—your money isn't lost!"