Where the Schildbürgers Came From and What They Turned Into

So, according to rumors, the first Schildbürger was originally from Ancient Greece. To tell the truth, it is only through rumors that we know anything about the Schildbürgers. No chronicles or family records have survived from them; everything was lost during a great fire when the town of Schilda burned to the ground, a matter we will recount in due time and place with all due thoroughness. By the way, the heroic spirit and noble manners so characteristic of the residents of Schilda also testify to their ancient Greek origins. But which of the great sages of the ancient world was the forefather of the Schildbürgers, this, sadly, can no longer be determined. However, it is permissible to assert, and with full certainty, that this man was endowed with an exceptionally sharp and inquisitive mind and was held in high esteem and respect among his fellow countrymen.

Here it is worth noting that the ancient Greeks were often ungrateful and repaid with evil the good deeds done for them by the wise sons of their homeland, and at times dealt with them quite harshly: some were executed, others exiled. This is how they treated, for example, Solon and Xenophon. And so, one of the wisest sages hastily left his homeland with his wife and children and settled in foreign lands. After their father's death, his children did not wish to return to Greece, remembering a just rule that still holds true today: "Where our parents lived, there we are meant to live." They built houses for themselves, began to herd cattle, plow the land, and, when the time came, they too had children. And so, year after year, a whole town grew on the spot where a single family had once settled, a town called Schilda. Fairy girl