About the Petition Submitted by the Schildburgers to the Emperor and How He Responded to Them

Although His Majesty the Emperor enjoyed his time with the Schildburgers, matters of state could no longer be delayed, and he informed the mayor of the day of his departure. As a sign of favor for their good hospitality, he granted the Schildburgers the right to present him with a petition.

The townsfolk were overjoyed and submitted a lengthy scroll to the Emperor. It detailed the misfortunes that had befallen them when they served as advisors to princes in foreign lands. They had to live far from home for long periods, leaving their wives to struggle alone, and their households fell into complete disarray. They were forced to return to Schilda to address these troubles. It was then that they decided, in their great wisdom, to save themselves through folly. This method began to yield good results, and they resolved to continue this practice in the future.

And they would have lived comfortably under the jester's cap, were it not for the malicious schemes of their neighbors. They mock the poor Schildburgers and their foolishness so cruelly, taunting them with ridicule and deadly insults, that the townsfolk now fear for their lives. This is why the Schildburgers beseech the Emperor to validate their jesting with his imperial signature and seal, so as to protect them from such vicious attacks. They impose their wisdom on no one and do not trouble others with their folly.

The Emperor gladly granted their request. That same day, he ordered his best scribe to draft the following letter of protection:

"By the grace of God, Emperor of a great and mighty empire, ever striving to expand our dominions, we hereby declare to all and sundry that, in response to the request of the inhabitants of the town of Schilda, we take them under our protection from this day forth and command: no one shall hinder them in their jesting and folly, whether by word, deed, or thought. Should any disobey, they shall face severe punishment and our eternal imperial disfavor. Such offenders shall be made to wear a jester's cap with one, two, or three bells, depending on the severity of their crime. This cap may only be removed after reconciling with the offended Schildburger and paying two guilders into our imperial treasury.

Such is our firm will and imperial decree, which we confirm with our signature and seal.

Date: Year... Day..."

In addition to the letter of protection, the Emperor also bestowed a considerable "token of gratitude" and instructed his hospitable hosts to spend it as quickly and merrily as possible. Fairy girl