When Good is Repaid with Evil
Once upon a time, a man was walking through the forest, returning home from work. The road was not short, and as he walked, lost in thought, he suddenly saw a tree burning ahead. The flames raged, engulfing it from bottom to top, with only the branches crackling. At the very top, a long snake writhed and twisted in the fierce fire, suffering and hissing with all its might from the terrible pain. The snake noticed the man and began to wail pitifully:"Help me, kind man, save me from a cruel death."
The man felt ashamed to pass by and not rescue the snake from its plight: after all, it was a living creature, and it surely didn't want to die either. He extended his long staff, and the snake gently slid down, crawled onto the man's arm, and then, unexpectedly, coiled around him. The poor man stood frozen in shock.
He grabbed the snake, twisting and pulling at it to free himself, but it was no use! The snake only grew more furious and tightened its grip around his neck, nearly choking him.
"Ugh, what a curse," the man muttered, panicking. "I wanted to do a good deed for the snake, but it turned into evil against me."
"That's how it always is," hissed the snake.
"How so?"
"Don't you know that good deeds are always repaid with evil?"
"Where did you dig up such a rule?"
"Where from? It's just the way things are. Ask anyone, and no one will tell you that good is repaid with good. But if you find even one creature who thinks otherwise, I'll slide off your neck."
The man continued on his way, his vision darkening with grief, barely able to see the road. He walked and walked until he met a horse.
"Hello, horse."
"Hello, traveler."
"Listen to the trouble I'm in. I was passing through the forest and took pity on this snake, pulling it from the fire. But now it's coiled around my neck, and I carry it like a heavy cross. Judge us, is it right that I'm repaid with evil for my good deed?"
"Ah, poor soul, I understand your sorrow, for I, too, can barely stand on my feet from bitter grief. In my youth, my master fed me the finest grain, gave me water, and cared for me. Then he would mount me, and I carried him far and wide. But as soon as I grew old, he drove me away. I'm of no use to him anymore. That's how it is in this world! Woe to us, the unfortunate, for good deeds are repaid with evil."
"Well, am I not right? Do you hear what the horse says?" the snake hissed triumphantly.
The man walked on and soon saw an old, thin, mangy dog.
"Hello, dog!"
"Come closer and listen to my troubles. This and that happened to me." And he told the dog everything that had occurred.
"Ah, kind man, I can only sympathize with you, for great misfortune has befallen me as well. In my youth, I served my master well. He fed me generously; I caught hares, foxes, and chased wolves for him. But when I grew old and weak, he drove me away. Now I wander aimlessly, digging through garbage and gnawing on bones. My master has forgotten all my service. Alas, what can I say? Good deeds are repaid with evil."
"Do you hear, human, what everyone is saying?"
"I hear, I hear, but let's ask someone else."
They continued on their way, walking forward until they reached another forest. There they met a fine young man, a handsome youth with a clear gaze, a club on his shoulder, and a sword at his side.
"Hello, fine young man," said the man.
"Hello, poor soul."
"Listen to my sorrows."
"Speak, what troubles you?"
"I was returning from work when, in the forest, I pulled this wretched snake from the flames. Now it's coiled around my neck, trying to choke me. Judge us, fine young man, and tell me if it's right to repay good with evil."
"Kind man, I cannot judge you while one sits atop the other."
"What should we do then?"
"Separate, one to this side of the road, the other to that side. Then I will judge you."
The snake refused to budge. It clung to the man's neck as if spellbound.
"Get down, cursed snake, so the fine young man can judge us!" the man shouted.
The snake slithered down and headed toward the side of the road. At that moment, the young man whistled with all his might, and suddenly, as if from the ground, a band of mighty warriors appeared. They began to trample, beat, and chop the snake into pieces until it was mixed with the earth.
That is the verdict when good is repaid with evil.
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