How the Priest Hired a Servant
"You, girl, will have an easy life with me—you'll rest more than you work!You'll get up in the morning, as is proper—before dawn. You'll clean the house, tidy the yard, milk the cows, let them out to pasture, clean the barn, and then—sleep and rest!
You'll cook breakfast, heat the samovar, feed me and my mother, and then—sleep and rest!
You'll work in the fields or weed the garden, or in winter, you'll fetch firewood or hay, and then—sleep and rest!
You'll cook dinner, bake pies: me and my mother will sit down to eat, and you—sleep and rest!
After dinner, you'll wash the dishes, tidy the house, and then—sleep and rest!
If the time is right, you'll go to the forest for berries or mushrooms, or if my mother sends you to town, you'll run there. It's just a stone's throw away, not even eight versts, and then—sleep and rest!
You'll come back from town, put on the samovar. Me and my mother will drink tea, and you—sleep and rest!
In the evening, you'll meet the cows, milk them, water them, feed them, and then—sleep and rest!
You'll cook supper, me and my mother will eat, and you—sleep and rest!
You'll fetch water, chop firewood—that's for tomorrow—and then—sleep and rest!
You'll make the beds, tuck me and my mother in to sleep. But you, girl, will sleep and rest all day long—what will you do at night?
At night, you'll spin, weave, embroider, sew, and then—sleep and rest!
Well, by morning, you'll wash the laundry, mend and sew what needs fixing, and then—sleep and rest!
But, girl, it's not for free. I'll pay you money. A whole ruble every year! Think about it. A hundred years—a hundred rubles. You'll become rich!"