The Seven Simeons
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The time came, and the old man passed away. He left behind seven twin sons, known as the seven Simeons.They grew and grew, all looking exactly alike in face and stature, and every morning all seven of them would go out to plow the land.
It so happened that one day the king was passing by that way. From the road, he saw far off in the field a large crowd of people plowing the land as if they were serfs—so many of them!—but he knew there were no noble estates in that area.
So the king sent his equerry to find out who these people were, what their origin and status were, whether they were serfs, royal servants, or hired laborers.
The equerry approached them and asked:
- Who are you people, and what is your origin and status? They replied:
- We are the seven Simeons, born of the same mother, and we plow our father's and grandfather's land.
The equerry returned and told the king everything he had heard. The king was amazed.
- I have never heard of such a wonder! - he said, and immediately sent word to the seven Simeons that he expected them to come to his palace to serve him and carry out his orders.
All seven gathered and came to the royal chambers, standing in a row.
- Well, - said the king, - tell me: what craft is each of you skilled in, what trade do you know? The eldest stepped forward.
- I, - he said, - can forge an iron pillar twenty fathoms high.
- And I, - said the second, - can set it into the ground.
- And I, - said the third, - can climb it and see far and wide, everything that happens in the world.
- And I, - said the fourth, - can build a ship that sails the seas as if on dry land.
- And I, - said the fifth, - can trade various goods in foreign lands.
- And I, - said the sixth, - can dive into the sea with the ship, its crew, and cargo, swim underwater, and emerge wherever needed.
- And I, - said the seventh, - am a thief. I can steal whatever catches my eye or my fancy.
- I will not tolerate such a trade in my kingdom! - the king angrily replied to the last, seventh Simeon. - I give you three days to leave my land wherever you wish; but I command the other six Simeons to stay here.
The seventh Simeon grew sad, not knowing what to do or where to go.
Now, the king had set his heart on a beautiful princess who lived beyond the mountains and seas. The boyars and the king's commanders remembered that the seventh Simeon might be useful and perhaps could bring the wondrous princess to the king. So they began to plead with the king to let Simeon stay. The king thought it over and allowed him to remain.
The next day, the king gathered his boyars, commanders, and all the people, ordering the seven Simeons to demonstrate their skills.
The eldest Simeon, without delay, forged an iron pillar twenty fathoms high. The king ordered his men to set the iron pillar into the ground, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not do it.
Then the king ordered the second Simeon to set the iron pillar into the ground. The second Simeon, without hesitation, lifted the pillar and drove it into the earth.
Next, the third Simeon climbed the pillar, sat atop it, and began to look far and wide, observing everything happening in the world. He saw blue seas, ships like spots on the water, villages, cities, and countless people, but he did not see the wondrous princess the king had fallen for. He looked even harder in all directions and suddenly noticed: in a distant tower, by the window, sat the beautiful princess, rosy-cheeked, fair-skinned, and delicate—so delicate that you could see the marrow flowing through her bones.
- Do you see her? - the king shouted to him.
- I do.
- Then climb down quickly and fetch the princess, no matter how you do it, but she must be mine at all costs!
All seven Simeons gathered, built a ship, loaded it with all kinds of goods, and together they sailed across the sea to fetch the princess from beyond the blue mountains and seas.
They sailed and sailed between heaven and earth, docking at an unknown island by the harbor.
The youngest Simeon had brought along a learned Siberian cat that could walk on a chain, fetch things, and perform various tricks.
The youngest Simeon went ashore with his Siberian cat, walking around the island, while he asked his brothers not to come ashore until he returned.
He walked around the island, came to a city, and in the square before the princess's tower, he entertained the crowd with his learned Siberian cat, commanding it to fetch things, jump through hoops, and perform various tricks.
At that moment, the princess was sitting by the window and saw the strange creature, the likes of which had never been seen in those parts. She immediately sent her maid to find out what kind of beast it was and whether it was for sale. The maid listened to Simeon and said:
- My beast is a Siberian cat, and I do not sell it for any money, but if someone truly loves it, I may give it as a gift.
The maid relayed this to the princess, and the princess sent her maid back to Simeon the thief:
- She says she truly loves your beast!
Simeon went to the princess's tower and presented her with his Siberian cat as a gift. He only asked to stay in her tower for three days and taste the royal bread and salt, adding:
- Shall I teach you, beautiful princess, how to play and amuse yourself with this unknown beast, the Siberian cat?
The princess agreed, and Simeon stayed the night in the royal tower.
Word spread through the palace that the princess had acquired a marvelous, unknown beast. Everyone gathered: the king, the queen, the princes, the princesses, the boyars, and the commanders—all marveled at the cheerful, learned cat. Everyone wanted one for themselves and begged the princess, but she would not listen to anyone, refusing to give away her Siberian cat. She stroked its silky fur, played with it day and night, and ordered Simeon to be fed and treated well so that he would be comfortable.
Simeon thanked her for the bread and salt, the hospitality, and the kindness, and on the third day, he asked the princess to visit his ship to see its structure and the various animals, both known and unknown, that he had brought with him.
The princess asked her father, the king, for permission, and in the evening, with her maids and nannies, she went to see Simeon's ship and the animals, both known and unknown.
When she arrived, the youngest Simeon was waiting for her by the shore and asked the princess not to be angry and to leave her nannies and maids on the shore, while she herself would come aboard the ship:
- There are many different and beautiful animals here; whichever one you like will be yours! But we cannot give gifts to everyone, the nannies and maids included.
The princess agreed and ordered her nannies and maids to wait for her on the shore, while she went with Simeon to the ship to see the wondrous marvels and strange beasts.
As soon as she boarded, the ship set sail and began to glide across the blue sea.
The king waited and waited for the princess. The nannies and maids returned, weeping and telling their sad tale. The king was furious and immediately ordered a pursuit.
A ship was prepared, and the royal ship set off after the princess. Far off in the distance, the Simeons' ship sailed on, unaware that the royal pursuit was closing in—not sailing, but flying! Soon it was close!
When the seven Simeons saw that the pursuit was near—almost upon them!—they dived underwater with the princess and the ship. They swam underwater for a long time and surfaced only when they were close to their homeland.
The royal pursuit searched for three days and three nights but found nothing and returned empty-handed.
The seven Simeons arrived home with the beautiful princess, and lo and behold—the shore was packed with people, as many as peas in a pod! The king himself was waiting at the harbor, welcoming the foreign guests: the seven Simeons with the beautiful princess, with great joy.
As they stepped ashore, the crowd cheered and made noise, and the king kissed the princess on her sugary lips, led her to the white stone chambers, seated her at the oak tables with embroidered tablecloths, treated her to honeyed drinks and sugary treats, and soon celebrated his wedding to the soul-princess—and there was great merriment and a grand feast that echoed throughout the Christian world!
As for the seven Simeons, the king granted them freedom to live and prosper throughout the kingdom, to trade without duties, and to own land without hindrance. He showered them with all kinds of favors and sent them home with a treasury to start anew.
And as for me, I had a little nag—its shoulders were made of wax, and its whip was made of peas. I saw a peasant's barn on fire; I tied up my nag and went to put out the fire. While I was putting out the fire, my nag melted, and the crows pecked at the whip. I traded bricks and ended up with nothing; I had a hat, slipped under the gate, knocked off a ring, and now it hurts.
And that's the end of the tale!
More fairy tales
- Snegurochka and the Fox
- At the Pike's Command" (or "By the Pike's Will")
- The Hare
- The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats
- Lutonyushka