
Kolobok Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. They had neither bread, nor salt, nor sour cabbage soup. So the old man went to sweep the barns and scrape the corners of the storerooms. He gathered two handfuls of flour, and they decided to bake a little bun.

The old woman kneaded the dough with sour cream, baked the bun, fried it in butter, and placed it on the windowsill to cool...

The bun lay there for half an hour, then suddenly it rolled away—from the windowsill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, then to the door, over the threshold—and onto the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard through the gates, and farther and farther the bun rolled.

And so it rolled along the path, when suddenly a hare came hopping toward it. The hare stopped and said:
"Little bun, little bun, I'm going to eat you!"
The bun replied:
"Don't eat me, hare, I'll sing you a song!"

*I was swept from the barn,
Scraped from the corners,
Kneaded with sour cream,
And fried in butter.
I ran away from Grandfather,
I ran away from Grandmother,
And I'll run away from you, hare!*

And the bun rolled on. Along the way, a gray wolf came strolling by.
The wolf spotted the bun and said:
"Little bun, little bun, I'm going to eat you!"
"Don't eat me, Wolf, I'll sing you a song!"

*I was swept from the barn,
Scraped from the corners,
Kneaded with sour cream,
And fried in butter.
I ran away from Grandfather,
I ran away from Grandmother,
I ran away from the hare,
And I'll run away from you, Gray Wolf!*

And the bun rolled on—leaving the wolf behind!
The bun rolled and rolled, and then a bear came out of the forest:
"Little bun, little bun, I'm going to eat you!"
"You think you can eat me, clumsy one? Don't eat me, I'll sing you a song!"

*I was swept from the barn,
Scraped from the corners,
Kneaded with sour cream,
And fried in butter.
I ran away from Grandfather,
I ran away from Grandmother,
I ran away from the hare,
I ran away from the wolf,
And I'll run away from you, Bear!*

And again the bun rolled on—leaving the bear behind!
The bun rolled and rolled, and then a fox came along:
"Little bun, little bun, where are you rolling?"
"I'm rolling along the path, enjoying myself."
"Little bun, little bun, do you know any songs?"
"I do."
"Sing me a song, dear little bun."
The bun was delighted and sang:

*I was swept from the barn,
Scraped from the corners,
Kneaded with sour cream,
And fried in butter.
I ran away from Grandfather,
I ran away from Grandmother,
I ran away from the hare,
I ran away from the wolf,
I ran away from the bear,
And I'll run away from you, Fox!*

The fox said:
"Oh, what a lovely song, but I can't hear it well. Dear little bun, why don't you sit on my nose and sing it again, a little louder?"
The bun hopped onto the fox's nose and sang the song louder, just as she asked.
But the fox said in a sweet voice:
"Little bun, little bun, I still can't hear you. Sit on my tongue and sing it one more time, just for me."
The bun sat on the fox's tongue, and the fox—snap!—ate it up. Fairy girl