Arev and Krag

When the Earth gave birth to humans, darkness and cold ruled the world. Arev and Krag were just learning to walk. They lived with their tribe in one of the caves of the still-young Ararat. The adult men hunted and often fell prey to predators, who could see better in the dark than humans. Only the strong could catch game, and they would eat almost all of it themselves. Therefore, the golden-haired Arev and the curly-haired Krag rarely enjoyed the taste of juicy meat.

Their entire childhood passed in dreams of food. One day, an unimaginable noise erupted in the cave. Someone suggested hunting together. The strong hunters did not like this idea. But after long and fierce disputes, a leader was chosen, whose word was to become law. Now, the leader ate first so as not to grow weak. After the leader, the strong hunters ate to remain strong. The women and children ate last. The leader vigilantly ensured that the hunters brought all their prey to the cave. Anyone who broke this law was exiled and soon became a prisoner of neighboring tribes or prey for predators.

As hard as life was in the darkness and cold, the tribe grew. When Arev and Krag became strong enough to lift stones that only adults could handle, they were allowed to hunt. Arev and Krag ventured into the forest. The wind, blowing against them, whispered of a nearby tiger.
- We can't escape it. Let's climb a tree, - said Krag.
With the agility of monkeys, they climbed the branches. Fresh human tracks led the beast to the tree. The tiger lifted its whiskered muzzle and roared. Arev shuddered and pressed against Krag's shoulder. The young man waited, gripping a stone tightly. Suddenly, the predator's burning gaze illuminated his face. Krag leaped down. The stone struck, killing the tiger. Krag let out a victorious cry. He proudly looked at Arev but collapsed onto the beast's carcass in astonishment—Arev was glowing!

Krag was frightened but couldn't take his eyes off the girl.
- What's happening to you?
- I don't know. The tiger's burning gaze lit up your face. It's still engulfed in hot flames. Your courage has made your face beautiful: it pierced my chest. My heart is burning. My soul is shining.
Arev spoke as hot tears—tears of love, joy, and pain, the first tears on Earth—streamed from her eyes. They turned into bright stars and rose into the black sky. One of them fell onto Krag's chest. He felt a searing pain in his heart, but for some reason, it felt sweet to him. He couldn't stop gazing at Arev.

Then Arev descended to the ground.
- Let's go. The leader is waiting for us, - she said.
With great effort, Krag hoisted the tiger's carcass onto his shoulders. But it took even more effort to tear his gaze away from Arev. The girl walked ahead, illuminating the path. Her radiance lit up the forest. They entered the cave, filling its dark, cold corners with warm light. Krag insisted for a long time that he and Arev were not evil spirits of the forests and mountains. The people gathered around Arev and Krag with suspicion. They cautiously examined the glowing girl and the boy with a fiery face. Fear froze their brave hearts...

Darkness yielded to light. Cold yielded to warmth. People began to look around their dwelling and at themselves. For the first time, they saw that they were different. Some were struck by the beauty of some and the ugliness of others. The leader also noticed that there were many beautiful girls in the cave. But then his gaze fell on the young and strong hunters. Jealousy smoldered in his old heart. A spiteful twitch crossed his face. The light began to weigh heavier on the leader than the darkness...

The same burden fell on the shoulders of the women who had few teeth and many gray hairs. They feared they would no longer be needed. They rushed to the leader:
- Hear us, unworthy ones! Command that Arev and Krag be killed. Let darkness return! The less people see, the happier they are!
- Kill them! Kill them! - the cave shook.

The leader raised his hand. Everything fell silent at once. Power had made the leader lonely and cruel. But he was the leader to think deeper, see further, and stand firmer. He said:
- In the darkness, it is harder for us to find edible roots, catch fish, or hunt. But we cannot leave Arev and Krag together either! He who drinks water will cool, he who eats will sleep...

As the stern leader commanded, so the tribe acted. They cast Arev into the sky. And Krag, bound in chains, was moved from cave to cave. Every morning, Arev rises and searches for Krag until evening. Millennia have passed. But she has not lost hope of reuniting with her beloved. Her heart still burns, her soul still shines. Such is Krag's fate too—to warm people even in his suffering. And as long as Arev and Krag love each other, they are immortal, just as people like them are immortal. Fairy girl