The Golden Apple
Once upon a time, there lived a king. One day, he sent heralds in all directions, and they began to shout to the people:"Hey, you! Whoever tells the best lie, the king will give a golden apple to!"
People started coming to the king from everywhere: princes, children of viziers, and ministers—in short, a great many people, but no one could please the king.
Finally, a poor man came to the king, carrying a large jug in his hand.
"What do you want?" asked the king.
"Greetings, King!" replied the poor man. "I've come to collect my money: you owe me a jug of gold."
"You're lying," said the king, "I don't owe you anything!"
"Am I lying? Then give me the golden apple if I'm lying."
The king, realizing his trick, began to deny:
"No, you're not lying."
"If I'm not lying, then pay your debt."
Seeing that the liar had won, the king, without saying a word, took out and handed the poor man the golden apple.
More fairy tales
- The Golden-Haired Girl
- Stretch your legs according to your clothes
- The Peasant's Son
- The Pigeon Hermitage
- The Snake and the Poor Man