Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a small hut and a patch of land. But they had neither a horse nor an ox. And this was such a sorrow that you might as well hitch yourself to the plow.They managed to scrape together some money somehow. The old man went to the fair, bought a dun-colored horse, and was leading it home.
On the way, he met some shepherds who were grazing oxen.
"Hello, old man! Where have you been?" asked the shepherds.
"At the fair."
"And what did you buy?"
"A horse."
"Come on, old man, let's trade your horse for an ox: we have many oxen, but no horse."
The old man thought: an ox would also be useful on the farm.
"Alright," he said, "let's trade."
The old man gave the shepherds the horse, took an ox for himself, and led it home.
On the way, he met some shepherds who were grazing sheep and rams:
"Hello, old man! Where have you been?"
"At the fair."
"What did you buy?"
"A horse."
"And where is it?"
"I traded it for an ox."
"Let's trade: you give us the ox, and we'll give you a ram."
"Alright: a ram is also useful on the farm." The old man took the ram by the horns and led it home. On the way, he met some shepherds who were grazing turkeys.
"Hello, grandpa! Where have you been?"
"At the fair."
"And what did you buy?"
"A horse."
"And where is the horse?"
"I traded it for an ox."
"And where is the ox?"
"I traded it for a ram."
"Take a turkey from us for the ram."
"Alright: a turkey is also useful on the farm." The old man gave the shepherds the ram, took a turkey under his arm, and went on his way.
He arrived in the village. Children were playing in the street, riding on pokers. The children ran up to him:
"Hello, grandpa! Where have you been?"
"At the fair."
"And what did you buy?"
"A horse."
"And where is the horse?"
"I traded it for an ox."
"And where is the ox?"
"I traded it for a ram."
"And where is the ram?"
"I traded it for a turkey."
"Oh, grandpa, give us the turkey for a poker: we'll play with the turkey!"
"Alright," said the old man, "give me the poker."
The old man took the poker and carried it home.
When the old woman found out about everything, she grabbed the old man's poker and started beating him. She beat and beat him until the poker broke.
And that's the end of the tale.
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