Brenborjo and Jeanne

One day, a beggar was walking through the village, asking for alms. He knocked on the door of a house where a man named Brenborio lived with his wife, Zhanna. Only the wife was home, and she opened the door.

"What do you need?" she asked.

"A piece of bread, if you would be so kind," replied the beggar.

"Where are you headed?" she inquired.

"I am on my way to heaven," he answered.

"Oh, that's perfect," said the woman. "Could you take a loaf of bread and some other supplies to my sister? She has been in heaven for a very long time. She must be in great need of everything. If only I could send her some clothes as well, that would be wonderful!"

"I would gladly help you," replied the beggar, "but I cannot carry such a heavy load. I would need a horse for that."

"That won't be a problem!" said the woman. "Take our Finetta, and bring her back on your way home. How long will the journey take?"

"I will return in three days," he said.

The beggar took the mare and went on his way, taking the clothes and supplies with him.

Soon after, the husband returned home.

"Where is our Finetta?" he asked his wife.

"Don't worry," she replied. "A good man passed by here just now. He was on his way to heaven, so I gave him our Finetta to deliver some clothes and food to my sister—she must be in great need. I sent so much that it will last her a long time. He will return in three days."

Brenborio was very displeased but waited for three days. When the horse still hadn't returned, he told his wife to prepare to go with him to search for it. And so, the two of them set out across the countryside. As they passed by a place where a dead horse had been buried, Zhanna spotted a horse's leg sticking out of the ground.

"Come quickly!" she called to her husband. "Finetta is already climbing out of heaven!"

Brenborio was furious when he saw what his wife had found! Fairy girl