The Clever Soldier
Once upon a time, there lived a soldier. After serving his term, he set off for home. Passing by a castle, he knocked on the door to ask for a drink, as he was parched with thirst. A lion opened the door—in those days, lions were often kept as servants. The master and mistress of the castle were away. The soldier asked the lion for a glass of water."I won't give you water, soldier," replied the lion, "but you can drink some wine with me."
The soldier didn't need much persuading. The two of them drank several bottles together, and then the lion said:
"Soldier, would you like to play a game of piquet with me? I know that military men often play this game when they have nothing else to do."
"With the greatest pleasure."
They played seven or eight games. The lion kept losing and finally flew into a rage. He deliberately dropped a card and asked the soldier to pick it up; but the soldier, sensing that the lion was waiting for him to bend over so he could pounce on him, didn't budge and said:
"I'm not your servant, pick it up yourself. But it seems you're angry with me—let's play a different game instead. Bring me a block, a rope, and a plank."
The lion brought everything the soldier asked for; the soldier fashioned a swing and was the first to climb onto it.
As soon as he swung a couple of times, the lion shouted at him:
"Get down, soldier, get down! Now it's my turn!"
"Not yet, lion," replied the soldier, "you'll have your turn!" Finally, the soldier got off the swing, helped the lion climb onto it, and said:
"Lion, you don't know how to play this game. I'm afraid you might fall and break your ribs. I'll tie your paws."
No sooner said than done. The soldier tied the lion up and swung him with all his might, sending him soaring to the ceiling.
"Ow! Soldier, soldier, get me down!" the lion howled. "I've had enough!"
"I'll get you down when I pass through these parts again," replied the soldier, and he left the castle.
The lion roared at the top of his lungs, so loudly that it could be heard for three leagues. The owner of the castle and his wife, who were walking in the woods, hurried home. After a long search, they finally found the lion hanging from the swing.
"Hey, lion," they said to him, "what are you doing here?"
"Ah, don't ask! Some nasty, scrawny little soldier put me here."
"If we get you down, what will you do to him?"
"I'll chase after him, and if I catch him, I'll kill him and eat him."
Meanwhile, the soldier kept walking. Along the way, he met a wolf who was chopping wood.
"Wolf," said the soldier, "you're not doing it right. Let me take your axe; you stick your paw into the crack, and it will act as a wedge."
As soon as the wolf stuck his paw into the crack, the soldier pulled out the axe, and the wolf's paw got stuck in the log.
"Soldier, soldier, free my paw!"
"Alright," said the soldier, "I'll do that when I pass through these parts again."
The wolf's desperate howls attracted the lion, who had set off in pursuit of the soldier.
"What's wrong, wolf?" he asked.
"Ah, don't ask! Some nasty, scrawny little soldier trapped my paw."
"What will you do if I free you?"
"I'll run after him with you, and we'll catch him and eat him."
The lion freed the wolf's paw, and the two of them set off to chase the soldier.
But the soldier had already gone far ahead. Along the way, he met a fox, who was standing by a tall tree, looking up.
"Hey, fox," said the soldier, "what are you staring at?"
"Those cherries up there."
"If you want," said the soldier, "I'll help you climb the tree."
He took a sharp stick, speared the fox, and then, with a good swing, tossed her onto the tree. The stick got stuck in the branches, and the fox remained there as if on a spit.
"Ow! Soldier, soldier, get me down!" the fox cried.
"When I pass through these parts again," said the soldier, "the cherries will be ripe."
The fox whimpered pitifully. Her cries attracted the lion and the wolf.
"What are you doing up there, fox?"
"Don't ask! Some nasty, scrawny little soldier played this trick on me."
"What will you do if we get you down?"
"I'll join you in chasing him; we'll catch him and eat him."
Meanwhile, the soldier kept walking. Along the way, he met a young girl.
"Miss," he said to her, "three fierce beasts are chasing me, and they'll devour us. Listen to my advice—let's make a swing!"
The girl agreed, and when the lion, who had outpaced his companions, caught up to them, they were already swinging high on the swing.
"What," said the lion, "this game again? We must run for our lives!"
A little later, the soldier started chopping wood. The wolf, catching up to them, cried out:
"What, the same thing again?" and ran off. The same thing happened with the fox.
The soldier safely delivered the girl to her parents; they were overjoyed to learn that she had escaped such great danger. They didn't know how to thank the soldier and gave him their daughter's hand in marriage.
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