The Poor Man's Son
Whether it happened or not, there once lived a poor man. The poor man had a wife and a son. Life was very hard for him—he had nothing to eat himself and nothing to feed his family. So, he decided to end his life.One day, he left his home, told his wife and son not to wait for him, and set off. He walked and walked, for a long time or a short time, until he met a man.
The man asked him:
"Where are you headed?"
"Leave me alone," replied the poor man. "I want to kill myself."
The traveler pleaded with him:
"Don’t do it, don’t kill yourself. Here, I have a flute. I’ll give it to you." And he handed him the flute.
Still, the poor man went on, seeking death.
After walking for a long or short time, he met another traveler.
The traveler asked where he was going.
"To die," replied the poor man.
"No, don’t kill yourself," said the traveler. "Here, I have a hat. I’ll give it to you, just don’t kill yourself." And he gave him the hat.
Still, the poor man went on, seeking death. After walking for a long or short time, he met yet another traveler.
The traveler asked:
"Where are you going, and why?"
"I want to die. I’m looking for death," said the poor man.
"Don’t do it, my friend," said this traveler. "Here, I have a bag. Take it—just stop seeking death."
The poor man took the bag, thought for a moment, and returned home.
Time passed, and eventually, the poor man died.
His wife and son were left alone. They lived in great poverty. All they had was a single hen. The mother would collect eggs, give them to her son, and he would sell them to buy bread—that’s how they survived.
One day, the son said to his mother:
"Mother, I need to buy a bag. I keep losing the money."
"Here, my son," said the mother, "take your father’s bag. No need to waste money on a new one."
The boy took the bag, sold the eggs, poured the money into the bag, and when he took it out to count, he saw that the money had doubled.
The boy was amazed. He took the money, poured it back into the bag, and when he took it out again, the money had tripled.
The boy realized what kind of bag it was. He hid it carefully, told no one about its power, and whenever he poured money into it, it doubled. He and his mother lived comfortably from then on.
One day, the boy said:
"Mother, I’m going to buy myself a hat."
"No," said the mother, "here’s your father’s hat. Wear it. No need to waste money on a new one."
The boy took the hat, put it on, and became invisible.
He was amazed and delighted. He hid the hat and told no one about its power.
He wanted to buy a flute, so his mother gave him his father’s flute.
He took it and went out to the field to play.
As soon as he blew into the flute, an army appeared around him, waiting for his command.
The boy was amazed. He realized the power of the flute and was overjoyed. He dismissed the army and hid the flute, telling no one about its power.
He decided to gather more money. He sat down with his father’s bag, poured money into it, and when he took it out, it had doubled. He did this again and again until he had a huge amount of money.
He said to his mother:
"Mother, I’m leaving. I don’t know when I’ll return. Here’s some money—it should last you for now."
His mother begged him not to go, but he wouldn’t listen. He packed his things, said goodbye to his mother, and left.
He walked and walked, for a long or short time, until he came to a kingdom. He found an old woman and asked her to let him stay the night. She took him into her home. They started talking, and the young man asked:
"What’s interesting here? How do you live?"
"Oh, my dear," said the old woman. "What good can I tell you? We have a king, and he has a daughter—a beauty unlike any under the sun. But the king will only give her in marriage to the man who can fill his entire palace with gold."
The young man was delighted when he heard this.
The next day, he went to the palace and asked to be announced to the king.
The king received him.
"Give me your daughter in marriage," said the young man.
The king replied:
"Very well. Fill this hall with gold, and I’ll give her to you."
The young man agreed but asked for a week’s time.
He took his bag, poured money into it, and took it out. In a week, he filled the entire hall with gold, so much that you couldn’t move a finger.
The beauty unlike any under the sun came to him and said:
"By our agreement, I am yours, and no force can separate us. But tell me, if you love me, where and how did you get so much gold? We saw that you didn’t bring it on oxen or mules. Where did it come from?"
The young man didn’t want to tell her, but she begged him until he gave in. He told her about his bag. The beauty stole the bag and drove him away.
He was heartbroken. As he walked, he thought about how to take revenge on the beauty for her deceit. He went to the field, took out his flute, and blew into it. An army appeared. He gathered an immense number of troops and led them to the palace.
When the beauty saw the army, she was frightened. She came out to him, laughing:
"Why do you need an army? I’m yours. I was just teasing you a little."
He believed her, dismissed the army, and went into the palace.
The beauty sat beside him, caressing and comforting him.
"You know I’m yours and only yours. I’ll never belong to anyone else. Just tell me, where did you get so many troops?"
He didn’t want to tell her, but she said:
"Why should we hide anything from each other? We’re together forever now. Tell me."
He couldn’t resist and told her.
She took the flute and drove him away.
He was furious. He thought about how to take revenge for her deceit.
He put on his invisible hat, took an awl, sneaked into her bedroom, and began to prick and torment her.
She begged:
"Don’t torment me. I know it’s you. I was just joking. Who could be better than you? Don’t torment me. Show yourself."
But he didn’t show himself.
"My dear, my life," she pleaded, "have mercy on me. Show yourself. I know it’s you."
He gave in, took off the hat, and she smiled at him, saying:
"Tell me, if you love me, how did you get in here?"
He refused at first, but she coaxed and persuaded him until he told her.
She took the hat and drove him away.
He was filled with sorrow. He didn’t know what to do or how to repay her for her deceit. He walked on, not knowing where he was going.
After walking for a long or short time, he came to a field. He saw three men fighting over something.
He approached them and asked:
"Why are you fighting? What can’t you divide?"
"The three of us found this carpet. It’s a magical carpet: sit on it, and it will take you wherever you command. That’s why we’re fighting—we can’t decide how to divide it."
The young man said:
"Here, I have an awl. I’ll throw it far away, and whoever brings it back first will win the carpet."
He threw the awl. The three men ran after it, and he sat on the carpet and said:
"Fly, carpet, to the royal palace!"
The carpet rose and flew, bringing him straight to the terrace of the royal palace.
The beauty saw him, rushed to him, laughing and caressing him.
"Oh, my dear! How I’ve missed you! How wonderful that you’ve returned."
But he grabbed her by the dress, dragged her onto the carpet, and said:
"Take me to the deepest part of the forest!"
The carpet rose and in an instant carried them to the heart of an impenetrable forest.
She began to caress him and gave him wine to drink. He grew drunk, fell asleep, and she pushed him to the ground, commanding the carpet to take her back to the palace.
The carpet rose and carried her away.
The young man woke up and saw that the carpet and the beauty were gone. He was alone in the dense forest.
What could he do? He got up and walked—where, he didn’t know.
After walking a short distance, he saw a garden. He entered and found grapes.
He started eating the grapes, ate some white ones, and picked some red ones. But as soon as he ate a few red grapes, he turned into a donkey.
He was terrified and didn’t know what to do. He grabbed some white grapes, ate them, and turned back into a man.
He understood what was happening. He thought, "This grape will help me take revenge on that deceitful woman."
He gathered a large amount of the red grapes, took some white ones, and went to the palace.
He stood by the gates, calling out:
"Grapes! Fine grapes!"
The beauty heard him and sent a servant to buy some grapes.
The servant came out and asked:
"How much for the grapes?"
He replied: "Try them first, then we’ll agree on the price."
He gave the servant the red grapes. She ate them and turned into a donkey. He put a bridle on her and tied her to the fence.
He continued to call out:
"Grapes! Fine grapes!"
The beauty waited for her servant, but when she didn’t return, she sent another. The same thing happened. She sent a third, a fourth, a fifth—until all nine servants were turned into donkeys.
Finally, the beauty went out herself.
She asked:
"How much for your grapes?"
"Try them first," he said, "then we’ll agree on the price."
He gave her the grapes and quickly put a bridle on her so she couldn’t escape. He tied her to the fence and went to the king, saying:
"I heard you’re building a new palace. I have ten donkeys. Hire them to carry bricks."
The king agreed. The young man loaded the donkeys with bricks, driving them hard, especially the beauty. He beat her and rode on her back.
The donkeys grew exhausted, barely able to stand, but the beauty suffered the most. Her skin cracked, her hair fell out, and the young man showed her no mercy.
When he finished the job, he received his payment, entered the palace, retrieved his bag, hat, and flute, and drove his donkeys home.
On the way, he gave each donkey a white grape, and they turned back into girls. He let them go, but he didn’t free the beauty. He dragged her all the way home.
She begged him:
"Turn me back into a human. I’ll serve you for the rest of my life!"
But he didn’t listen. He didn’t believe her.
She grew weaker and weaker, barely able to drag her feet.
Finally, he gave her a white grape, and she turned back into a woman.
He let her go home, but as she left, he said:
"Let this be a lesson to you—never mock people!"
And so,
Mourning there, feasting here,
Chaff there, flour here.
Elasa, melasa, a jug hung on me,
To the storyteller and the listener,
A sweet feast, for you and me.
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