Hey, Bring in the Horse!
The carter Petruchio got married. After the wedding, he brought his young wife home and said to her:"Now, Rosina, we’ll live well together! I’ll work, and you’ll manage the house. I’m not afraid of work. Even if you tell me to drive the horse from dawn till dusk, I’ll do it. But when I come home—that’s it! The rest is your business. As soon as I stop the cart at the gate and shout, 'Hey, take the horse in!'—you’d better run out quickly."
"Not a chance!" said Rosina. "I’m not going to bother with a horse."
"How can you not bother with it? You’ll need to unharness it, feed it, and give it water! So, when I shout, 'Hey, take the horse in!'—"
"I’m telling you," Rosina interrupted her husband, "I won’t touch the horse. That’s not what I was taught at my parents’ house."
"Don’t worry," said Petruchio, "I’ll teach you everything. You’ll take the horse into the yard..."
"I won’t!"
"What do you mean, you won’t, if I shout, 'Hey, take it in!'?"
"You’ll shout, but I won’t budge."
"Oh, Rosina," said Petruchio, "don’t make me angry, just take the horse in."
"I won’t!" Rosina shouted.
Then Petruchio shouted too.
"Take it in right now!"
"I won’t!"
"Take it in!"
"I won’t!"
The neighbors, hearing the noise, came running and started asking the newlyweds:
"What’s going on here? What’s the argument about?"
Petruchio began to explain to the neighbors:
"Well, my wife doesn’t want to help me. I tell her, 'Take the horse in,' and she says, 'I won’t.'"
"Aren’t you ashamed to quarrel over this?" said old Giuseppe. "Let me take your horse in. Where is it?"
"Well, you see," Petruchio hesitated, "we don’t actually have a horse yet. I’m just planning to buy one."
More fairy tales
- The Salamanca Grapes
- The Legend of the Treasure of Kyapatsa
- The Monkey Palace
- The Princess from the Orange
- How Cortese Paid for Lunch