The Buffalo and the Drum

Once upon a time, two friends met.

They stopped by a tavern, sat down at a table, and ordered a glass of wine each.

"Well," began the first one, "it's been a while since we last saw each other. In the meantime, I happened to visit Naples. I saw so many things on my journey that I stopped being surprised. But once, I was truly amazed. I was walking along the road when suddenly I saw a drum. A huge, enormous drum! It took me almost three days to walk around it. And on top of the drum, there was a whole village. When the villagers take their cattle out to pasture, the cows' hooves beat such a rhythm that it can be heard five hundred miles away."

"Sure," replied the second friend, yawning. "I've seen a thing or two myself. You know I'm an avid hunter. I've shot so much game, I can't even count it all. But once, I happened to kill a buffalo. Now, that was a buffalo! Its front hooves rested on the peak of one mountain, and its back hooves stood on another mountain. Instead of grass, this buffalo chewed on ancient trees, branches, roots, and all."

"Come on!" the first friend exclaimed indignantly. "You're exaggerating. There's no way such a buffalo could exist."

"What do you mean, no way? The drum you were talking about was made from the hide of that very buffalo!"

The liar had no choice but to bite his tongue. Fairy girl