The Scarecrow by the Well

Not far from Palermo, on two hills, stand two villages: Isnello and Chiana. Ask any resident of Chiana at random, and they will tell you that Isnello is a good village, except that it's a long walk to fetch water. The same thing will be said about Chiana by any resident of Isnello. And this will be the absolute truth.

It's a well-known fact that the higher you go, the closer you are to the sun, and the sun in those parts is scorching. It has dried up the hills like two pieces of toast. Even if you dug through them, you wouldn't reach any moisture. For every drop of water, both the Chianese and the Isnello residents had to descend into the valley between the hills.

There was a well there, so deep and pure that its water would have been enough for three more villages.

Needless to say, it wasn't exactly pleasant to make such a long trek—downhill empty-handed and uphill with water. The mules would bray loudly as soon as barrels or waterskins were strapped to their sides. And the people? Well, imagine this—the people didn't complain. After all, everyone was curious to hear the news from the neighboring village. On ordinary days, you wouldn't just drop by the neighbors—there was no time, and it wasn't proper to visit uninvited. But at the well, every day, the residents of both villages would meet. The women would gossip about trivial matters, while the men, puffing on their pipes, discussed more serious affairs. The laziest girl was always ready to run to the well with a clay jug wrapped in twigs; the idlest boy was always eager to harness a mule and fetch water. How many weddings were arranged by the well, how many quarrels it witnessed, how many reconciliations—it's hard to count! And for children's games, there was no better place.

One early morning, the residents of Isnello were the first to arrive for water. And what did they see? A large flock of crows had camped by the well. The crows were cawing so loudly that even if both the Chianese and the Isnello residents had shouted at the top of their lungs, they wouldn't have heard their own voices. The birds were hopping, fighting, and flapping their wings. But that was only half the trouble! The worst part was that the clean water of the well was covered in feathers, wood chips, and garbage, and the ground around it was littered with bird droppings.

The Isnello residents tried everything—pleading with the crows, shaming them, threatening them... But no, the cursed birds wouldn't budge. Then someone who had seen the world suggested putting up a scarecrow by the well.

No sooner said than done. The Isnello residents spared no effort—sticks, straw, and rags were used. And what a scarecrow it turned out to be! Huge and tall! It stood over the well, waving its tattered sleeves. The crows were frightened and flew away, and the Isnello residents filled their water containers and left.

Do you think that was the end of it? No, it was only the beginning. As soon as the Isnello residents left, the Chianese began descending from the opposite hill. From a distance, they saw a terrifying giant. Its head was the size of a barrel, its body three times as big, and its arms like windmill sails. How could they not be scared? The Chianese tried to shame the giant:

"Hey, you! Move away from the well. Let people fetch water."

But the giant remained silent, only waving its arms menacingly at the Chianese.

Under the scorching sun, people are born with fiery tempers. Anger surged through the brave hearts of the Chianese. They oiled their rusty guns, took cover on the hillside, and began firing. The echoes reverberated between the hills.

What a commotion broke out in Isnello! Clearly, enemies had attacked Chiana, looting and destroying! Isnello would be next. They had to save themselves before it was too late! The husbands ordered their wives:

"Pack up our belongings, take the livestock! We're leaving now."

The women wailed and cried. They couldn't carry everything, and it was a shame to leave behind what they had worked so hard for.

The women screamed, the men shouted, and suddenly someone had an idea.

"Why leave everything behind when we can move the whole village away from this terrible place?"

Work began immediately. All the ropes in the village were tied together. Bridles, belts, and shoelaces were used. As soon as the rope was ready, the Isnello residents wrapped it around the hill and began pulling it toward the sea.

Meanwhile, the Chianese grew tired of shooting, and their gunpowder ran out. But the giant remained standing!

"We need to call for help from Isnello," the Chianese decided. "After all, the well is shared!"

Three of the bravest and most agile young men set out from Chiana to Isnello, taking a long detour around the well with the giant. They returned pale, even more frightened than before.

"It's all over! It's a disaster!" they exclaimed, interrupting each other. "There's no one in Isnello. The hill is tied with a thick rope, and behind the hill, you can hear: 'Pull harder, pull stronger!' The Isnello residents are moving to a new place. Clearly, no one can defeat this giant. We need to leave too."

So the Chianese got to work. They twisted a rope and began pulling their hill in the opposite direction.

Who knows how it would have ended if not for Cicco and Beppo. Together, the two of them had lived exactly eighteen years, and they were fine lads. Cicco lived in Chiana, and Beppo in Isnello, but that didn't stop them from being the best of friends. If the boys attacked Beppo, Cicco would stand up for him. If they attacked Cicco, Beppo would defend him. And if no one attacked, the friends would fight each other.

Three days before the terrible events, Cicco and Beppo found a priceless treasure together—an old hoop from a broken barrel. They rolled it, tossed it in the air, and spun it like a top. By evening, when it was time for each to return to their village, they decided to hide their shared treasure so no one would feel left out. They buried it in the sand near the well.

And so, as both villages were preparing to move, the boys remembered the treasure.

"We must take the hoop with us!" thought Cicco.

"I mustn't forget the hoop!" thought Beppo.

And both ran to the well. How could they not be afraid? Well, at nine years old, you're scared of different things than adults.

Cicco and Beppo met at the well and began arguing over who should get the hoop. They argued and argued, and of course, they fought. Like never before. In the end, they broke the hoop, and each ran crying to his mother.

"Where have you been? We're moving!" they asked Cicco.

"At the well," replied Cicco.

"At the well! And the giant didn't eat you?" the Chianese exclaimed.

"What giant? It's a straw scarecrow. The Isnello residents put it up to scare off the crows."

The rope fell from the Chianese's hands.

"Where were you?" they asked Beppo.

"At the well," replied Beppo.

"At the well! And the enemy army didn't capture you?"

"What enemy? It was the Chianese shooting at our scarecrow."

The Isnello residents exchanged glances and silently returned to their homes. And so everything remained as it was: Chiana, Isnello, and the scarecrow by the well. Fairy girl