Good, but Bad

A gentleman and a peasant met on the road.

- Peasant, where are you from?

- From far away, sir!

- But where exactly?

- From the city of Rostov, and from the estate of Count Tolstoy.

- Is the city big?

- I haven’t measured it.

- Is it strong?

- I haven’t wrestled with it.

- What are the prices like there?

- Rye and oats by the sack, tobacco by the horn, gingerbread by the shop, and rolls by the sled.

- What did you go for?

- To make an expensive purchase: a measure of peas.

- That’s good!

- Good, but not too good!

- Why not?

- I was riding and spilled them.

- That’s bad!

- Bad, but not too bad!

- Why not?

- I spilled one measure, but scooped up two!

- That’s good!

- Good, but not too good!

- Why not?

- I sowed them, but they grew sparse.

- That’s bad!

- Bad, but not too bad!

- Why not?

- Though sparse, they’re full of pods!

- That’s good!

- Good, but not entirely!

- Why not?

- The priest’s pigs took to trampling the peas and trampled them all.

- That’s bad!

- Bad, but not too bad!

- Why not?

- I killed the priest’s pigs and salted two tubs of pork.

- That’s good!

- Good, but not too good!

- Why not?

- The priest’s dogs took to stealing the pork and stole it all.

- That’s bad!

- Bad, but not too bad!

- Why not?

- I killed those dogs and made a fur coat for my wife.

- That’s good!

- Good, but not too good!

- Why not?

- My wife walked past the priest’s yard; the priest recognized the coat and took it.

- That’s bad!

- Bad, but not too bad!

- Why not?

- I sued the priest, and after much litigation, I lost a gray gelding and a red cow, but my case turned out well in the end. Fairy girl