The Goat and the Ram
Once upon a time, there lived a husband and wife, and they had a goat and a ram. One day, the husband said to his wife:"Oh, wife, let's drive away the goat and the ram, for they only eat our bread for nothing. Go on, get out of here, goat and ram, away with you, so that not even a trace of you remains here."
The goat and the ram sewed a sack and set off. They walked and walked, and suddenly they saw a wolf's head lying in the middle of a field. The ram was big but foolish, and the goat, though brave, wasn't very strong.
"Take the head, ram. You're stronger."
"Oh, you take it, goat, you're braver." So they took it together and threw it into the sack. They walked and walked, and suddenly they saw a fire burning.
"Let's go there! We'll spend the night there so the wolves won't eat us."
They approached, and it turned out to be wolves cooking porridge.
"Hey, well done, lads!"
"Hello, brothers, hello! The porridge isn't boiling yet, just right to add your meat."
At that, the ram got scared, and the goat had already been frightened for a while. The goat thought of a plan.
"Bring me," he said to the ram, "the wolf's head."
The ram brought it.
"Not this one, a bigger one." The ram brought the same one again.
"Bring an even bigger one!"
Now the wolves got scared and started thinking about how to escape.
"Fine company, brothers, and the porridge is boiling, but there's nothing to ladle it with; I'll go fetch some water." And the wolf left. "To hell with you, disappear with your company!"
The second wolf started thinking about how to escape:
"That devil's spawn! He went and is sitting there, with nothing to ladle the porridge. I'll take a stick and chase him back like a dog." He ran off and didn't return either. The third wolf sat and sat:
"Now I'll go and bring both of those cursed ones back!"
He ran off, and that was the last they saw of him.
"Oh, brother ram, let's hurry and eat the porridge, then we'll get out of here."
Meanwhile, the wolves gathered in the field and reconsidered.
"Hey, why should the three of us be afraid of a goat and a ram? Let's go and eat those devil's spawn."
They returned, but the goat and ram had already finished and left the hut, running and climbing up an oak tree. The wolves started thinking about how to catch the goat and the ram. They followed their trail and found them in the oak tree. The fearless goat climbed to the very top, while the timid ram stayed lower.
"Lie down," the wolves said to the eldest, "you're the eldest, so cast a spell to help us catch them."
The wolf lay down and started casting spells. The ram sat on a branch, trembling, and then fell onto the wolf. But the goat, being braver, didn't panic and shouted:
"Bring me the sorcerer!"
The wolves got scared and barely managed to run away.
More fairy tales
- How the Fox-Nun Confessed the Rooster
- How the Horse and the Bull Raced Against Each Other
- The Money Rooster
- Hare Fat
- The Wolf, the Dog, and the Cat