The Tale of the Glorious, Mighty Hero Yeruslan Lazarevich
In a certain kingdom, there lived a king named Kartaus, and he had twelve knights in his service. The strongest and most esteemed of these twelve knights was a prince named Lazar Lazarevich. No matter how hard the other knights tried, none of them could defeat young Lazar Lazarevich in combat.When he turned twenty, his parents began to say:
- It’s time for our son to start a family!
Lazar Lazarevich himself was not opposed to marrying, but he couldn’t seem to choose a bride: either his father and mother disapproved, or the bride didn’t suit him.
Time passed, and Lazar Lazarevich finally asked his parents:
- Let me go on a journey. I want to see the world and show myself to it.
His parents did not object. And so, the brave young man bid farewell to his father and mother and left the kingdom of Kartaus. Whether it was a long or short journey, whether it was near or far, Lazar Lazarevich eventually arrived in a foreign kingdom. In that kingdom, the people were in great sorrow: everyone, young and old, was weeping and grieving. He asked:
- What misfortune has befallen you? Why is everyone so sad?
- Oh, brave young man, you do not know our grief, they replied. A sea serpent has been flying into our kingdom and demands that we send him a person to eat every day. If we disobey, he threatens to burn all our villages and towns to ashes. Today, we had to send a maiden to the seashore to be devoured by the monster.
The knight asked no further questions, spurred his horse, and galloped to the seashore.
Soon, he saw a maiden sitting on the shore, weeping bitterly. Lazar Lazarevich rode up to her:
- Greetings, fair maiden!
The maiden raised her head, looked at him, and said:
- Leave quickly, good man. The serpent will soon emerge from the sea, devour me, and you will not escape alive.
- It is not fitting for me, fair maiden, to flee from the serpent. But I am tired from my journey and would like to rest. I will take a nap, and when the serpent appears, wake me at once.
He dismounted, lay down on the soft grass, and fell into a deep, heroic sleep.
After some time, the sea began to churn and roar, and a great wave rose. The serpent had stirred the sea. The maiden began to wake the foreign knight, but Lazar Lazarevich slept on, undisturbed.
At that moment, the serpent emerged from the water and crawled onto the shore. The maiden wept bitter tears, and one of her tears fell on the knight’s face. He woke up and saw the serpent.
The serpent sneered:
- How generous you are today! Instead of one person, you’ve brought two, and even a horse as a bonus!
- You might choke on me alone, foul monster! shouted the knight, and he charged at the serpent.
A deadly battle ensued, bloody and fierce. They fought for a long time. Lazar Lazarevich noticed that the serpent was growing weary and weakening. Seizing the moment, the knight struck the monster with his steel sword with such force that he severed its head clean off.
He then approached the maiden, who was barely alive from fear. He called out to her. The maiden rejoiced:
- Oh, I never thought I would survive, nor see you alive and unharmed! Thank you for saving me from a cruel death. I ask you, brave young man—I do not even know your name—come with me to my parents. My father will reward you!
- I need no reward, but I will take you to your parents.
He first helped the maiden onto his horse, then mounted himself. They arrived in the city. The father and mother saw their daughter from the window and could not believe their eyes. They ran out to meet her, weeping and laughing with joy.
- Did the cruel serpent spare you, my child? Or did it let you return one last time to see us and mourn?
- This is the one who saved me from a terrible death, the maiden replied, pointing to Lazar Lazarevich. He killed the cursed serpent.
The father and mother did not know how to thank the knight. They took him by the arms and led him into their white-stone chambers, seating him at the head of the table. They brought out all sorts of food and drink. Eat, drink, whatever your heart desires.
After the meal, the father asked:
- Tell me, brave knight, how can we reward you?
The young man bowed his head, remained silent for a moment, then looked at the parents and the fair maiden:
- Do not be angry with me for my words. I am a prince from the glorious kingdom of Kartaus. Your beautiful daughter has won my heart, and if she feels the same, I ask for your blessing to marry her. That would be the greatest reward for me.
Hearing these words, the maiden blushed deeply, like a poppy flower.
The father said:
- You, dear Lazar Lazarevich, have won my favor, but I will not force my daughter or take away her freedom. Whatever she says, so it shall be. Do not take my words as an offense. Well, what do you say, my dear daughter?
The maiden blushed even more and softly whispered:
- Well, since it's time for me to build my own nest, so be it. I love Lazar Lazarevich, my savior.
- If the bride agrees, then we, her parents, won't object either, - said the father. - Our blessing won't be an issue.
And soon a merry feast was held, followed by a wedding.
The wedding was celebrated, the feast was enjoyed, and after the wedding, Lazar Lazarevich took his young wife to his kingdom.
At the end of the first year, they had a son. They named him Yeruslan.
Yeruslan grew not by days, but by hours, as if dough rising with yeast. By the age of three, he looked like a ten-year-old.
He began to frequent the royal court, playing games with the noble children. But he had immense strength, and in his youth and naivety, he played rough with the noble children: he would grab someone's hand - the hand would come off, grab someone's leg - the leg would be torn off.
The nobles came to King Kartaus, complaining:
- We are deeply offended. The son of Lazar Lazarevich is harming and maiming our children. He has no restraint in games, tearing off hands and legs. Dry our tears, sire! Order Yeruslan Lazarevich to be imprisoned or exiled from our kingdom.
King Kartaus ordered Lazar Lazarevich to be summoned and said to him:
- The nobles came to me, complaining about your Yeruslan. He offends and maims the noble children. I command you: either imprison your son or send him away from our kingdom.
Lazar Lazarevich listened to the king's order, lowered his wild head below his mighty shoulders, and went home in great sorrow.
- What is it, Lazar Lazarevich, why are you so downcast? - his wife greeted him. - Has some misfortune befallen us?
Lazar Lazarevich told her about the king's order and said:
- Isn't this a misfortune?
His wife wept bitterly. Yeruslan Lazarevich overheard the conversation, approached his parents, bowed respectfully, and said:
- Don't be angry with me, father and mother, I had no ill intent when playing with the noble children, and you are not to blame. If King Kartaus has ordered me to leave the kingdom, so be it. But I need a sword that suits my hand, armor, and a horse.
- Don't we have enough horses in the stable? - said Lazar Lazarevich. - And the armory is full of swords and armor, just pick what you need!
- I'll find the armor and sword in the armory, - replied Yeruslan Lazarevich, - but there's no horse in our stable that suits me. I've tried them all. The grooms bring out a horse, I put my hand on its withers - it immediately falls to its knees. I can't ride such horses.
- Well, then go to the reserved meadows. Frol the shepherd guards my horses there. The horses are wild and untamed, you'll find one there that suits you, - said Lazar Lazarevich.
And they began to prepare and equip Yeruslan Lazarevich. He chose heroic armor, found a sword that suited his hand, and a long spear, took a Circassian saddle, a saddle pad, a felt blanket, a decorated bridle, and a leather whip. He bid farewell to his father and mother and set off on his journey.
He left the city and walked for a long time, near or far, and came to the reserved meadows. A path was worn through the meadows. The path was so wide a horse couldn't jump over it. "Who travels on this path? - thought Yeruslan Lazarevich. - I'll sit by the roadside and wait."
He sat for a while and saw: a herd of horses was running along the path. That herd had just passed, and another, larger one, was galloping behind. And a herdsman was riding behind them. He caught up with Yeruslan Lazarevich and said:
- Hello, Yeruslan Lazarevich! What are you doing here? Who are you waiting for?
- And who are you? And how do you know my name?
- How could I not know you! I serve as a herdsman for your father Lazar Lazarevich. Yeruslan Lazarevich was delighted:
- My father told me to come to the reserved meadows to choose a horse. All the horses in our stable are weak. When I put my hand on their withers, they fall to their knees. Those horses can't carry me. Help me, Frolushka, to get a horse, and I'll remember your kindness forever.
- Don't worry, Yeruslan Lazarevich, it will be alright. I have a horse in mind. A heroic horse. When it drinks water, waves rise on the lake as if in a storm, and leaves fall from the trees. But I don't know if you can catch it? If you catch it and manage to hold it, the horse will submit to you, sensing a true rider. There it is - running ahead of the first herd from the watering hole, look!
The herd galloped past, and the herdsman said:
- Let's go to the lake, I'll show you where the horse drinks, and you can lie in wait there tomorrow morning and wait.
In the morning, Yeruslan Lazarevich hid and began to wait. He heard the ground tremble, the sound of hooves getting closer and closer... And then the first herd galloped past to the watering hole. At the front was a fiery horse: sparks flew from its eyes, flames from its nostrils, and curly smoke rose from its ears. It waded knee-deep into the water and began to drink. Waves rose on the lake, and leaves fell from the trees on the shore.
The horse drank and as soon as it jumped onto the shore, Yeruslan Lazarevich grabbed it by the mane with his right hand, holding the bridle in his left. The horse reared and struck the ground with its hooves so hard that the earth shook, but it couldn't break free from the hero's grip and calmed down, sensing its true master.
- That's better, Oros the Wise! - He bridled it, took the reins, and led it to where the saddle and armor lay.
Yeruslan saddled Oros the Wise and put on his armor. At that time, Frol the shepherd rode up to the watering hole:
- I see the horse has submitted to you! You managed to tame it.
- Thank you, Frolushka! You've done me a great service. I'll remember it forever!
And so they parted ways. The herdsman saw the young man mount his horse, but before he could notice, the young man had disappeared from sight, leaving only a swirling pillar of dust, as if he had never been there.
Yeruslan Lazarevich rode for a day or two and came upon a wide field. He looked around and saw something strange: the entire field was strewn with dead bodies. A defeated army lay on that field. Yeruslan Lazarevich cried out loudly:
"Is there anyone alive here?"
A voice responded:
"I am the only one left alive from our entire army!"
Yeruslan rode closer and asked:
"Tell me, who defeated your army?"
"Ivan, the Russian hero," answered the wounded warrior.
"And where is Ivan, the Russian hero, now?"
"Head south, and you might catch up to him. He has gone to fight another one of our armies."
Yeruslan Lazarevich turned his horse and rode off. Whether he rode for a long time or a short time, he eventually came upon another vast field—a wide expanse. And on this field lay another defeated army.
Once again, the hero cried out in a loud voice:
"If there is anyone alive here, speak up!"
One man raised himself:
"What do you need, warrior? I am the only one left alive from our entire army."
"Whose army is this, and who defeated you?"
"This is the army of Feodul Zmeulanovich. And it was Ivan, the Russian hero, who defeated us."
"And where is he now, Ivan, the Russian hero?"
"See the tracks of his heroic horse: whole hills of earth are thrown from under his hooves. Follow these tracks, and if your horse is swift, you may catch up to him."
Yeruslan Lazarevich thanked the warrior and rode around the field in the direction of the tracks. He rode for a day, then two, from dawn till dusk, and on the third day, he saw a white linen tent on a green meadow. Near the tent, a heroic horse was eating wheat. Yeruslan Lazarevich unsaddled and unbridled his horse, setting it free. Orosho the Wise immediately approached the wheat and began eating as well.
Yeruslan Lazarevich entered the tent and saw Ivan, the Russian hero, sleeping soundly. Yeruslan reached for his sword but then thought: "No, it would bring me dishonor to raise my hand against a sleeping man. I should rest after my journey as well." With that thought, he lay down to sleep.
Ivan, the Russian hero, was the first to wake. He awoke and saw the uninvited guest. He began to rouse him:
"Get up, wake up, good young man!" Yeruslan Lazarevich rose, and Ivan, the Russian hero, said:
"Though you came uninvited and slept in my tent, we do not carry grudges with us. According to our Russian custom, if a guest visits and causes no harm, such a guest is always honored and given a place. And you, it seems, harbor no ill thoughts. Sit with me, share bread and salt, and tell me who you are. From what family, from which city, and what is your name?"
"I am from the glorious kingdom of Kartaus. My name is Yeruslan Lazarevich. I have heard much about you, Ivan, the Russian hero, and wished to meet you. I followed your trail for many days and saw the armies of Feodul Zmeulanovich that you defeated. I once thought myself the strongest hero, but now, even without a duel, I see that you are stronger than I. Be my sworn elder brother!"
Ivan, the Russian hero, and Yeruslan Lazarevich became sworn brothers. They drank a cup of green wine, ate their travel provisions, and continued their conversation. Yeruslan Lazarevich asked:
"Tell me, sworn brother, why are you fighting King Feodul Zmeulanovich? Why have you destroyed so many of his armies?"
"How could I not fight, dear Yeruslan Lazarevich? I fell in love with a fair maiden, the daughter of Feodul Zmeulanovich, and came to his kingdom with honorable intentions, to propose marriage. But Feodul Zmeulanovich dishonored me, cursing and shouting: 'I do not know this vagabond, and I will not allow him near my daughter! Soon I will march on your kingdom, conquer all of Rus, and take your heroes captive.' And he sent an army to meet me. The army attacked, but as the saying goes: 'He who draws the sword first shall perish by the sword.' And so I defeated Zmeulanovich's army, but he sent another after it. And you know what happened to that one. Now I have decided to tell him: 'You, Feodul Zmeulanovich, have relied on your strength in vain! You boasted that you would conquer Rus and capture Russian heroes. But things did not go as you planned. Would it not be better for us to make peace? Give me your daughter willingly, or I will take her by force.' Come with me, Yeruslan Lazarevich, my sworn brother, to the capital city of King Feodul Zmeulanovich. If we celebrate a wedding, you shall feast at it."
The heroes prepared and set off. They approached the city within half a verst, and Ivan, the Russian hero, blew his war horn.
A rider from the outpost galloped to the king:
"Ivan, the Russian hero, is standing half a verst from the city. And with him is some foreign hero."
Feodul Zmeulanovich was alarmed:
"Oh, what a disaster! He alone defeated two armies, and now, if there are two of them, they will destroy our entire kingdom!"
But then he gradually regained his composure, climbed down from his warm bed, put on his crown, and straightened up:
"Hey, servants! Call the queen quickly. Let us go out to meet them with bread and salt, perhaps we can make peace." He sent his princes and boyars: "Go to the outpost and bring Ivan, the Russian hero, into the city. We and the queen will meet them at the gates."
With honors and bread and salt, they welcomed the sworn brothers.
"What has happened between us is in the past, let it be forgotten," said the king. "We and the queen are overjoyed to receive you with all due honor."
The tables were set up in the palace, and the feast began in full swing. Soon after, the wedding festivities commenced.
At the wedding feast, Eruslan Lazarevich seized the moment and asked the bride of Ivan, the Russian hero:
"Fair princess, is there anyone in the world more beautiful than you?"
The princess was taken aback by these words:
"Rumors say I am beautiful, but I have heard that beyond thrice-nine lands, in the thirtieth kingdom, there live three sisters, and the youngest of them is more beautiful than I."
"And have you heard of anyone stronger than me, besides Ivan, the Russian hero, your husband?"
"Of your strength and bravery, Eruslan Lazarevich, the whole land speaks. But there is a rumor that in the glorious Indian kingdom, at the outpost, there stands a hero named Ivashka Belaya Epanka, the Saracen Cap. They say he is a hero among heroes, but who is stronger between the two of you, I cannot say, nor can anyone, until you test your strength against each other."
He thanked the beautiful princess, and their conversation ended. When the wedding feast was over, Eruslan Lazarevich began to bid farewell to his sworn brother Ivan, the Russian hero, and his young wife. They urged him:
"Stay with us a few more days!"
"No, thank you! I have already overstayed my welcome, my horse Orosh the Wise has rested, and it is time to continue my journey."
He saddled his horse, donned his heroic armor, and rode off beyond thrice-nine lands to the thirtieth kingdom.
Eruslan Lazarevich rode from morning till evening, from sunrise to sunset. And so his journey continued for many days. He arrived in the thirtieth kingdom, where the beautiful sisters lived. He tied his horse to a carved post with a gilded ring, fed it, and then climbed the carved porch: knock-knock-knock!
A maid opened the door and asked:
"Who are you? What business brings you here? How shall I announce you?"
"Tell them: a knight from the glorious kingdom of Kartaus has arrived. My name is Eruslan Lazarevich. I need to see the three beautiful sisters."
The maid ran off, and without delay, the three sisters came out to him, each more beautiful than the last:
"Welcome, good sir. Please come in!"
First, they seated their guest at the table, serving him all kinds of food and drink. They fed and watered him.
Eruslan Lazarevich rose from the table and bowed politely to the three maidens:
"Thank you for your hospitality! Now I see for myself: it is no wonder that rumors spread across the world that no one is more beautiful or kinder than you!"
The sisters lowered their eyes at these words, blushed, glanced at each other, and replied:
"Thank you for your kind words, dear Eruslan Lazarevich! But it is in vain that people consider us the most beautiful. In the kingdom of Vakhramey, there is a princess, the daughter of King Vakhramey—she is the true beauty. Marfa Vakhrameyevna surpasses all. In height, grace, and charm. Her eyes are veiled, her eyebrows black as sable, and she walks like a swan gliding! She is the beauty among beauties."
"Rumors also speak of your wisdom. And I would like to ask you, fair sisters, have you heard who the strongest hero in the world is?"
"The land is full of rumors," they replied. "There is talk of Ivan, the Russian hero. They say he is the strongest and bravest."
"Ivan, the Russian hero, I know well. He is my sworn elder brother."
"And of your strength and bravery, our dear guest," the maidens continued, "rumors reached us before you even arrived here. But there is also much talk of the strong hero Ivashka Belaya Epanka, the Saracen Cap. He has stood at the outpost in the glorious Indian kingdom for thirty years. But we have not had the chance to see him."
Eruslan Lazarevich conversed with the beautiful sisters, thanked them for their hospitality, and bid them farewell.
He rode out of the city and began to ponder: "I have been wandering for a long time and do not know what is happening at home. I must return home to visit my father and mother. And while I am there, I will ask for their blessing to marry. After that, I will go to the kingdom of Vakhramey and woo Marfa Vakhrameyevna."
He turned Orosh the Wise and rode back to the kingdom of Kartaus.
Eruslan Lazarevich rode on and on: day and night passed. When Orosh the Wise grew tired, he would unsaddle and unbridle the horse, feed it, and rest himself before continuing the journey with renewed strength. Finally, he began to approach his homeland. Impatiently, he urged his horse forward and soon saw in the distance the capital city of the kingdom of Kartaus. He rode up a hill, looked, and could not believe his eyes. Around the city, there were countless enemy troops. The city was surrounded on all sides. Horsemen galloped on swift steeds, while foot soldiers advanced toward the city gates. "What is happening here?" he thought. Just as he descended the hill, he met Frol the stableman, who was riding away from the city.
"Greetings, Frolushka!"
The stableman stopped his horse, recognized Eruslan Lazarevich, and greeted him.
"Do you know," asked the hero, "whose army is approaching our city?"
"Oh, Eruslan Lazarevich! I was riding from the reserved meadows to the city to visit your father, Prince Lazar Lazarevich, and almost fell into enemy hands. Thankfully, my horse saved me, and I managed to escape. Now I am fleeing back to the reserved meadows. Such a disaster has befallen us. Prince Danila the White has approached our capital with countless regiments of cavalry and infantry, and our King Kartaus has no heroes in the city except for Prince Lazar Lazarevich. Everyone has scattered. The king and his boyars have locked themselves in, and the townspeople are hiding behind the city walls. No one can enter or leave the city, and Danila the White threatens to destroy the entire kingdom."
Eruslan Lazarevich saw that there was no one to defend the kingdom. And Danila the White had brought an overwhelming number of troops. His heroic heart burned with fury, and his mighty shoulders tensed: he whipped Orosh the Wise and galloped toward the city.
The enemy saw him—a hero riding straight at them. They panicked and began to shout:
- The hero rides to Kartaus' aid! Prince Danila the White himself led his horsemen to meet him and shouted:
- Take him alive, lads!
But Yeruslan Lazarevich spurred his horse and, like a whirlwind, charged at Danila's horsemen. He swung his sword and thrust his spear left and right, while Oros the Wise toppled horses with his chest, trampling fallen riders with his hooves. Soon, the field was littered with bodies. The remaining horsemen, those who could, fled.
At that moment, Yeruslan Lazarevich spotted Danila the White himself, caught up to him, struck him with the blunt end of his long spear, and knocked him out of the saddle... Oros the Wise stepped on his chest. Prince Danila pleaded:
- Spare my life, brave and mighty hero! I swear that not one of my warriors will ever cross the border of Kartaus' kingdom! I will command my children and grandchildren never to wage war against your kingdom.
- So be it, - said Yeruslan Lazarevich, - but if you ever break your oath, there will be no mercy!
- I will remember your generosity forever and will never break my oath! - said Danila the White, rising to his feet. He immediately ordered the siege to be lifted and led his troops away from Kartaus' kingdom.
In the city, they saw the enemy forces retreating. Suddenly, they cried out:
- It's Yeruslan Lazarevich, the son of Prince Lazar Lazarevich!
The news quickly reached Lazar Lazarevich and the king himself.
Yeruslan's parents and King Kartaus, along with his closest boyars, came out of the main gates and greeted Yeruslan Lazarevich with great honor. His mother wept with joy and embraced her son. King Kartaus shed tears and said:
- I do not know how to thank you, Yeruslan Lazarevich, for saving us all and our capital city. Do not hold old grievances against me. That is in the past. Now, we must feast and honor our esteemed guest! Roll out the barrels of wine and aged mead! - the king ordered. - Let everyone celebrate today and praise the strength and valor of the glorious and mighty hero Yeruslan Lazarevich!
The feast lasted for three days. On the fourth day, Yeruslan Lazarevich thanked King Kartaus for the hospitality, bowed deeply to his parents, and said:
- We have been apart for too long. I have seen many lands and cities, but I cannot stay at home. I wish to see more of the world and prove myself. Let me go, dear father and mother! And if I meet my destined bride, give me your parental blessing.
His parents did not object. They blessed their son and began to prepare him for his journey.
- You cannot keep such a falcon in the parental nest. I was young once, I know! - said Lazar Lazarevich. - Let him travel and enjoy himself!
Yeruslan Lazarevich saddled his Oros the Wise, donned his heroic armor, bid farewell to his family, and set off.
He rode out of his city and thought: "First, I will go to the glorious Indian kingdom to see what kind of hero Ivashka White Cloak, Saracen Hat, is. Then I will visit the kingdom of Vakhramey. I wish to see Marfa Vakhrameyevna."
Yeruslan rode for a long or short time, near or far, and finally approached the glorious Indian kingdom. He saw a checkpoint ahead, and near it, a hero lay sleeping. "By all appearances, this is the hero Ivashka White Cloak, Saracen Hat," thought Yeruslan Lazarevich. He rode up close, but the hero did not stir, snoring in his sleep.
Yeruslan leaned from his saddle and struck him firmly with a leather whip:
- Is this how you guard the kingdom at the checkpoint? Anyone could pass or ride by while you sleep and laze about!
Ivashka White Cloak, Saracen Hat, jumped to his feet and angrily shouted:
- Who are you? - He grabbed his club. - For nearly thirty years, no beast has scurried past, no bird has flown, and no man has ridden by me! And you dare to jest with me, to strike me with a whip! I will place you on my palm and crush you with the other, and there will be nothing left of you but a wet spot! Let us ride to the field, and I will teach you a lesson!
He saddled his horse, donned his armor, and they rode to an open field to engage in mortal combat, to test their strength.
They charged at each other, and Yeruslan Lazarevich struck his opponent with the blunt end of his spear, immediately knocking him out of the saddle. Oros the Wise stepped on his chest. Ivashka White Cloak, Saracen Hat, spoke differently:
- Do not kill me, glorious and mighty hero! Now I see: my strength is half of yours, if not less. And my years are passing, while you are just beginning to mature. Let us become sworn brothers. Be my elder brother!
- I have no gain in your death, - replied Yeruslan Lazarevich, - but the tales of your glory are exaggerated. You are no great hero. Rise!
And he led Oros the Wise away. Ivashka White Cloak, Saracen Hat, rose, bowed deeply to his sworn brother, and said:
- Ride to the glorious Indian kingdom! The path is open to you. Be our king's guest!
Yeruslan Lazarevich turned his horse and rode straight to the capital city, soon entering the royal courtyard. He unsaddled and unbridled Oros the Wise, tying him to a carved post with a gilded ring.
The king sat by the window and saw the foreign knight arrive in the courtyard. He stepped onto the carved porch, greeted the hero warmly and kindly, and spoke:
- Welcome, dear guest, forgive me, I do not know how to address you. From which family are you, from which land?
The hero politely greeted him and replied:
- I am from the glorious kingdom of Kartaus, the son of Prince Lazar Lazarevich, and my name is Yeruslan Lazarevich.
With these words, he ascended the porch. The king led him to his chambers, fed him, gave him drink, asked about his journey, and then said:
- How wonderful that you have visited me. We welcome every good guest, but for a hero like you, there is a place of honor in my palace! Now, you must be tired from the road. Rest. Hey, who is there! - the king clapped his hands.
Servants came running at his call.
- Escort the guest to the bedchamber and make sure everything is prepared so that he does not feel slighted!
Yeruslan Lazarevich stayed with the Indian king, thanked him for the hospitality, and continued on his journey. As he rode, he thought: “I have learned what the famed hero Ivashka Belyaya Epancha, the Saracen Hat, is like, and I have met the kind and hospitable king of the glorious Indian kingdom. Now I will go to the kingdom of Vakhramey. I will have no peace until I see Marfa Vakhrameyevna with my own eyes.”
Yeruslan traveled for one day, then another, and a third. The kingdom of Vakhramey was within reach—just a day’s journey away.
At that time, he encountered a wanderer, a passing pilgrim. The wanderer removed his Greek cap and bowed to the hero:
- Be well, Yeruslan Lazarevich! The hero was surprised and asked:
- Who are you? You must know me if you call me by name!
- I am a wandering pilgrim. I travel through all lands and cities. I have been to the kingdom of Kartaus, visited your parents, and seen you many times. Recently, I passed by the kingdom of Kartaus and bring sad, sorrowful news.
The hero jumped off his horse and, in his impatience, grabbed the wanderer by the shoulder:
- Speak quickly! What is happening in our kingdom? Have you seen my father and mother? Are they alive and well?
- Wait, Yeruslan Lazarevich, don’t shake me! You’ll tear my arm off! Trouble has struck your home. Prince Danila Bely seized the moment and attacked with an immense army. He killed many people and took even more captive. He burned the capital city to the ground, leaving no stone unturned. He captured King Kartaus, your father Lazar Lazarevich, and some of the close boyars, gouged out their eyes, and took them blind to his principality, where they are now imprisoned.
Yeruslan Lazarevich listened to all that the wanderer told him, lowered his head, and said:
- Ah, it was in vain that I spared Danila Bely! He ate the earth and swore not to wage war against the kingdom of Kartaus, and I believed him! And look what he has done! He repaid my kindness. Well, wait, I will settle accounts with you! Now there will be no mercy!
With these words, he mounted his horse, bid farewell to the wandering pilgrim, and rushed to the principality of Danila Bely.
He arrived, found the dungeon where his parents, King Kartaus, and the close boyars were held. He scattered the guards, broke the lock, and from the threshold cried out:
- Greetings, dear parents, mother and father! Greetings, Your Majesty, King Kartaus, and you, close boyars!
He heard in response:
- We hear your voice, but we cannot see who is speaking! We are blind, in darkness!
Then the hero’s mother spoke:
- Though I cannot see you, I recognize your voice, and my heart feels it—this is our dear son, Yeruslan Lazarevich!
- Indeed, it is he, said Lazar Lazarevich. - Here, dear son, such great and heavy sorrow has befallen us. We have lost everything, and we cannot even see the light of day. But that is not the matter now. Beyond the mountains, beyond the seas, near or far—I have not been there myself, but I have heard from trusted people—there is a kingdom ruled by the Fiery Shield, the Flaming Spear. In that kingdom, there is a well with living water. Serve us this service: go to the Fiery Shield, the Flaming Spear, bring the living water, sprinkle it on our wounds, and we will regain our sight.
- I will go to the Fiery Shield, the Flaming Spear, replied the hero, but first I must find Danila Bely.
With those words, the brave youth left the dungeon.
Meanwhile, while Yeruslan Lazarevich was speaking with the prisoners, a prison guard ran to Danila Bely:
- Trouble, prince! Some foreign hero has defeated all the guards in the prison yard! Only I remain alive.
- It must be the son of Lazar Lazarevich, said Danila Bely. - Quickly sound the alarm, gather whatever troops are in the city!
And he thought to himself: “It will be easiest to defeat him in the dungeon.” He hastily donned his battle armor, mounted his horse, and led his army.
Meanwhile, Yeruslan Lazarevich rode out of the prison yard into the square and saw the prince’s army. Like a hawk swooping on chicks, he charged at Danila Bely’s forces. Those he struck with his sword were split down to the saddle, and those he hit with his spear were thrown from their saddles. Oros the Wise overturned enemy horses with his chest and trampled warriors with his hooves. Soon, Yeruslan had defeated the entire army. Few soldiers remained alive, and they fled.
Then Yeruslan Lazarevich noticed Danila Bely galloping away.
- You are the one I need! he shouted, spurred his horse, and chased after the invading prince.
No matter how much Danila whipped his horse, Oros the Wise soon caught up with him.
Yeruslan Lazarevich knocked Danila Bely from his saddle and cut off his head.
- Bad weeds must be plucked from the field! He turned his horse and returned to the dungeon. - Come out, all of you, and move to Danila Bely’s palace for now...
Then he said to King Kartaus:
- This principality will have to be annexed to our kingdom. You shall sit on Danila Bely’s throne and live in this city until I bring the living water. Our capital is still in ruins, and it will take time to rebuild. And so he rode to the kingdom of the Fiery Shield, the Flaming Spear.
Yeruslan rode and rode, and before him stretched a wide field. On that field lay a defeated army. The hero shouted in a booming voice:
- Hey, is there anyone alive on this field?
- What do you want? - replied one warrior.
- Tell me, who defeated this great army?
- All our forces were defeated by the hero Roslaney.
- And where is Roslaney himself, the hero?
- Ride not far, and you’ll see another field with a defeated army. He lies there, slain.
The hero passed the defeated army, rode a short distance, and came upon another field, also strewn with bodies. “This battle was much greater than the first,” he thought, and suddenly he saw a large hill. As he approached, he was astonished—it was not a hill but a massive head, as large as a haystack. He shouted:
- Is anyone alive?
No one answered. He shouted again—still no reply. Only when he cried out a third time did the head open its eyes, yawn, and speak:
- Who are you? And what do you want?
- I am from the glorious kingdom of Kart Usov. My name is Ruslan Azarevich. I want to know whose defeated army this is and where the mighty hero Roslaney is.
- I am the hero Roslaney, - the head replied, - and the armies lying on the first and this field were led by King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear. He brought his forces against me, and I defeated them, but as you can see, I too lie defeated.
- How did this happen? You defeated both armies and yet fell slain?
- Many years ago, when I was still very young, - the head began, - King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear, with a great army, attacked our kingdom by surprise. My father was king at the time. He hastily gathered a small force and went out to meet them. A bloody battle ensued. King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear had far more troops and emerged victorious. Many of our warriors perished. My father was captured, and King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear killed him.
When I grew up and became a strong hero, I decided to avenge King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear. A sorceress who lived in our kingdom learned of this and said to me: “King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear is a very powerful hero and a sorcerer. You can only defeat him if you obtain the magic sword-kladenets. On the ocean, on the island of Buyan, beneath an old oak on a high mountain, there is a cave. In that cave, a magical sword-kladenets was sealed long ago. Only with this sword can you defeat King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear.”
I labored long and wandered far, but I obtained the magic sword-kladenets and rode to the kingdom of King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear. He sent an army against me. After I defeated that force, he gathered an even larger army and led it against me himself. We clashed on this very field. I struck them down like mown grass, trampling them under my horse. Soon, few remained alive. Then King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear rode up to me, shouting, “Now I will deliver you to death!” I swung my magic sword and struck him, and he fell from his horse. His servants cried out, “See how gloriously Roslaney the hero struck him with his sword! Give him another blow, and we can hold his funeral!” I struck again, but as soon as the sword touched him, it rebounded with terrible force and severed my head. King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear revived as if nothing had happened. At that moment, my sworn brother arrived. He grabbed the sword-kladenets and placed it beneath my head. King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear sent his heroes many times and came himself, but no one could remove the sword-kladenets from beneath my head, no matter how hard they tried. It still lies there beneath me.
With that, Roslaney’s head finished his tale and asked:
- Why have you come here, and where are you headed?
Yeruslan Lazarevich explained why he was traveling to the kingdom of King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear.
- It is commendable, Yeruslan Lazarevich, that you did not abandon your loved ones in their time of need and now seek the water of life for them. But I must tell you: you go in vain. You do not yet know the true nature of that villain, King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear. You will not get anything from him by kindness or force, for neither arrow, spear, nor sword can harm him. He will kill you ten times over before you can strike. But listen to what I tell you, remember it well, and if you heed my advice, you will overcome him.
Yeruslan Lazarevich listened to all that Roslaney’s head advised, thanked him, and said farewell:
- As soon as I obtain the water of life, I will return and reattach your head to your body...
With that, he mounted his prophetic steed, Oros, and hastened to the kingdom of King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear. As he approached the city, King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear saw the hero, rode out to meet him, and began hurling fiery arrows from afar.
- Turn back, or I will burn you! - he shouted. Yeruslan Lazarevich removed his helmet, waved it, and cried:
- I have come not to fight but on a peaceful mission!
- Who are you? And what do you want? Speak!
- I am from the glorious kingdom of Kartaus. My name is Yeruslan Lazarevich. Tales of your strength and glory spread far and wide, and I wish to enter your service!
King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear replied:
- If you can retrieve the sword from beneath Roslaney’s head with my twelve heroes, I will take you into my service. If not, blame yourself! You will not leave alive!
- Listen, King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear, I will manage without your heroes! I will retrieve the sword alone!
King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear rode closer and said:
- Go quickly, bring the sword, and you shall be the chief among my heroes!
Yeruslan Lazarevich turned his horse. When he arrived at the battlefield, Roslaney’s head saw him from afar:
- Well? Have you seen King Fiery Shield, Flaming Spear?
- I have done as you said. I have come for the sword-kladenets.
The head rolled aside:
- Take it, but remember: strike only once!
Yeruslan Lazarevich raised his sword, mounted the prophetic horse Orosh, and rode off.
The Fiery Shield and Flaming Spear, as soon as the sentry informed them, rode out to meet him and asked:
"Have you obtained the magic sword?"
"Here it is," said Yeruslan Lazarevich, lifting the sword. He galloped up to the Fiery Shield and Flaming Spear and—wham!—struck him with all his might.
The Fiery Shield and Flaming Spear fell from his horse like a felled tree:
"Strike him again!" shouted the servants of the Fiery Shield and Flaming Spear.
"It is not the custom of brave warriors to raise their sword twice. Once is enough!" Yeruslan Lazarevich shouted back.
Then all twelve knights of the Fiery Shield and Flaming Spear attacked Yeruslan, yelling:
"Kill him! Chop him into pieces, take the magic sword, and revive the Fiery Shield and Flaming Spear!"
But it was not to be! Yeruslan Lazarevich defeated them all in battle. Then he found the sacred well, took some of the water of life, drank a little himself, and gave some to the prophetic Orosh. Immediately, all their fatigue vanished.
No sooner had he ridden out to the battlefield than the head of Roslaney saw him and spoke:
"If you have returned, you must have defeated the Fiery Shield and Flaming Spear, my enemy! Did you find the water of life?"
"I brought it," replied Yeruslan Lazarevich, "you will be well now."
The head rolled to the body and took its rightful place. Yeruslan Lazarevich sprinkled the water of life, and the head rejoined the body. Roslaney rose, so big and fearsome—it was terrifying to look at him.
"Well, Yeruslan Lazarevich, you have done me a great service, I will never forget it! And if needed, I will not spare my life for you!"
"Why speak of it," said Yeruslan Lazarevich. "Could I have defeated the Fiery Shield and Flaming Spear and obtained the water of life without your magic sword and wise counsel? Here, take it!" And he handed him the sword.
But Roslaney the hero pushed his hand away and said:
"No, Yeruslan Lazarevich, my sworn brother, the sword will still be of use to you."
"The sword fits me perfectly," said Yeruslan Lazarevich, "thank you, dear Roslaney, my sworn brother. Now, I must hurry to my parents."
"And I must go find my horse," said Roslaney the hero. "He must be grazing somewhere nearby. He is a faithful horse, the only one who can carry me."
With that, the heroes parted ways. Roslaney went to find his horse, and Yeruslan Lazarevich rode to the principality of Danila the White. As soon as he arrived, he ran into the palace, sprinkled the water of life on their eyes, and immediately his father, mother, and King Kartaus, along with the boyars, regained their sight. They were so overjoyed that they even shed a few tears from sheer happiness.
King Kartaus held a grand feast in honor of Yeruslan Lazarevich. At the feast, everyone ate, drank, and praised the heroism and bravery of Yeruslan Lazarevich.
When the feast was over, the hero said to his parents:
"I must visit the kingdom of Vakhramey. Bless me on my journey!"
"Well then," said Lazar Lazarevich, "though it is hard to part, it seems there is no other way. Your mother and I are healthy now, thank God. Go, if you must!"
Quickly, he gathered his things, mounted his prophetic Orosh, and only dust swirled behind the brave young man.
Yeruslan rode for a long or short time and finally arrived in the kingdom of Vakhramey. He approached the capital city and saw that the gates were tightly locked. He knocked. The guards responded:
"Who goes there? And what do you want?"
"My name is Yeruslan Lazarevich, and I have come to King Vakhramey on a good errand."
The gates opened, and as soon as the hero rode through, they were firmly closed again. He thought to himself, "Why is the city under lock and key?"
King Vakhramey greeted him warmly:
"Welcome, brave young man! I do not know your name."
"I am from the kingdom of Kartaus, the son of Prince Lazar Lazarevich, and my name is Yeruslan Lazarevich. I have traveled far and wide, visited many lands, and wished to visit your realm."
"Ah, so it is you!" said King Vakhramey. "The fame of your deeds and heroism, dear Yeruslan Lazarevich, spreads across all lands and cities. It has reached our kingdom as well. I am glad to welcome such a distinguished guest, but I cannot hide from you the great sorrow that has befallen us. A three-headed sea serpent has taken to flying here, devouring people. That is why we are locked in, but the city walls are no protection against a winged monster."
"How often does the sea serpent come?" asked Yeruslan Lazarevich.
"Every three days. Today it will come again and take someone else," replied King Vakhramey, adding, "Come, dear guest, into the chambers. You must eat, drink, and rest after your journey!"
- Thank you! But first I must go to the seashore, and only then will I rest," said Yeruslan Lazarevich.
With these words, he left the palace, mounted Orosh the Wise, and rode out of the city to the seashore. He stopped his horse, blew the battle horn once and then again. After the third blow, a great wave rose on the sea, and soon after, a three-headed sea serpent emerged from the water. All three mouths were agape, teeth bared, and six eyes burned with malice.
The serpent looked at the shore and spoke:
- This time, King Vakhramey did not wait for me; he sent a man for my meal, and even a horse as a bonus!
- And you, cursed monster, don’t boast too soon, lest you choke! - shouted the hero.
As soon as the serpent set foot on the shore, Yeruslan spurred his horse, swung his mighty sword, and with a single blow, severed two of its heads.
Terrified, the serpent pleaded:
- Mighty hero, do not slay me, do not cut off my last head! I will never fly to Vakhramey’s kingdom again, and I will give you a rich ransom. I have a precious stone of unparalleled beauty, the likes of which cannot be found in the whole wide world.
- Where is this precious stone?
- I will fetch it now!
With those words, the serpent dove into the sea and soon returned, bringing and handing over to the hero a precious stone of unheard-of beauty.
Yeruslan Lazarevich accepted the gift and, in one swift motion, leaped from his horse onto the serpent’s back.
- Take me to Vakhramey’s palace and tell him yourself that you will never attack people again!
The sea serpent had no choice but to obey. And so, it carried the hero to the capital city, with Orosh the Wise running close behind.
In the city and the palace, there was great commotion when they saw the foreign hero arrive riding the sea monster.
Both King Vakhramey and the people began to plead and persuade:
- Yeruslan Lazarevich, do not leave the cursed serpent alive. How many tears have people shed because of this villain! He may be calm now, but once you leave, he will return to his old ways. We know him well!
The hero did not argue. He jumped off the serpent and cut off its head.
The townspeople loaded the serpent onto twelve carts, took it out of the city, and buried it in a deep ravine.
They removed the black flags that had signaled disaster, and the whole city rejoiced.
And Vakhramey threw a feast for the entire world. He invited guests from all over. He seated Yeruslan Lazarevich next to him, in the place of honor, and began to treat him:
- Eat, drink, dear guest! I do not know how to repay you.
At that moment, the beautiful princess emerged from her chambers. The hero looked at her and was struck dumb—Martha Vakhrameyevna was so beautiful. "I have never seen anyone more beautiful," he thought. "I could gaze at her forever."
And Martha Vakhrameyevna’s heart skipped a beat. She gracefully bowed to the guests, glanced once more at Yeruslan Lazarevich, and lowered her eyes—he was so handsome!
The feast came to an end. The guests thanked their hosts for the hospitality, said their goodbyes, and departed. Then Yeruslan Lazarevich spoke:
- I have come to you, King and Sovereign, for a good cause—to propose marriage. If you would bless it, and if Martha Vakhrameyevna would agree to marry me, I could ask for no better fate!
- Dear Yeruslan Lazarevich, if my daughter agrees, I would be happy to join our families. Now it is up to you, Martha Vakhrameyevna," he turned to his daughter. "Tell me, do you love this suitor?
The beautiful maiden blushed, lowered her clear eyes, and then said:
- I am yours, and your will is mine, Father and Sovereign! If you bless it, I agree.
- Well, that is good! - King Vakhramey said cheerfully. "Ah, I have found a son-in-law after my own heart.
In the royal household, there was no need to brew beer or distill wine—there was plenty of everything. Soon, the wedding was celebrated, and the feast was held.
And so, Yeruslan Lazarevich began to live happily with his young wife, Martha Vakhrameyevna, in his father-in-law’s home.
Day by day, week by week—almost a whole year passed unnoticed.
One day, Yeruslan Lazarevich said to Martha Vakhrameyevna:
- I must go visit my parents and show you to them.
- Oh, I would be overjoyed to meet your parents and not be parted from you, but as you can see, I cannot travel such a long and difficult journey now. Visit them this time alone, but return quickly. Next year, we will go together as a family. And remember: as you pass by the Maiden Kingdom, they will invite you to stay, but do not go. If you do, the Maiden Queen will enchant you.
- Oh, come now! Why would I go to the Maiden Kingdom? Then he gave her a golden ring with the precious stone he had received from the sea serpent.
- If a son is born to us, give this ring to him when he comes of age. And let him never remove it from his finger, neither by day nor by night.
Then he gathered his things, prepared himself, and set off on his journey.
Yeruslan Lazarevich rode and rode. One day passed, then another. On the third day, he saw a vast garden stretching before him, so large it was impossible to take in at a glance. In that garden stood a magnificent palace, its golden roof gleaming in the sun. The palace windows were made of crystal, and the frames were adorned with intricate carvings.
Just as he drew level with the garden, someone on horseback darted out from the gates. Yeruslan Lazarevich looked closely and saw: a daring warrior maiden was galloping toward him, sitting on her horse as if she were one with it. The maiden's eyes were like those of a falcon, her eyebrows as dark as sable, her face fair and rosy, and her long braids, falling from beneath her helmet, reached down to her waist. She spoke, her voice like the gentle murmur of a stream:
"I saw you, good lad, from my window. Why do you ride past without stopping by to drink, eat, feed your horse, and have a chat?"
"Thank you, Tsar-Maiden, but I have no time to spare. I am on my way to visit my father and mother," replied Yeruslan Lazarevich.
Yet he could not take his eyes off the warrior maiden.
"What do you mean, no time to spare?" said the Tsar-Maiden. "Don't rush to leave; rush to feed your horse, and you'll reach your destination sooner."
She smiled, warming him like the gentle summer sun.
At once, the hero forgot his wife's instructions, turned his horse, and rode stirrup to stirrup with the Tsar-Maiden into the wondrous garden.
In the Maiden Kingdom, the maidens were all beautiful, each more lovely than the last, but the most beautiful of all was the Tsar-Maiden herself, the daring warrior maiden.
Yeruslan Lazarevich was immediately treated to a steaming bath. He washed and relaxed. The Tsar-Maiden then served him foreign wines, aged meads, and laid out a feast of all kinds of dishes.
She fed him, gave him drink, and began to play the lute, singing in her delicate, tender voice.
The good lad listened, unable to get enough, and gazed at the Tsar-Maiden, unable to look away. Soon, a multitude of maidens filled the palace, and they began to sing songs and dance in circles.
A year passed, then another, in songs, dances, and merriment. And Yeruslan Lazarevich thought to himself: "Oh, I've stayed too long! I meant to stop for an hour, but I've stayed two days." He began to thank the Tsar-Maiden:
"It's time for me to go!"
But she began to persuade him, coaxing him with kind words:
"Bright Yeruslan Lazarevich! Do not leave me, do not go, stay!"
"No, I must see my parents!"
"You will have time to see your father and mother! Stay just a week longer, comfort me!"
The good lad yielded to her persuasion and kindness. His swift feet seemed rooted to the spot. He remained in the Maiden Kingdom. To him, it felt like a week had passed, but in truth, the eighth year was drawing to a close.
Soon after Yeruslan Lazarevich left, Marfa Vakhrameevna gave birth to a son. They named him Yeruslan Yeruslanovich. He was born strong and robust, and from his earliest days, he grew and matured so quickly that by his second year, he appeared to be a twelve-year-old boy. By the time he was seven, he had become a mighty hero. No one in the entire kingdom could match his strength and skill in combat. He defeated everyone.
One day, Yeruslan Yeruslanovich asked his mother:
"Tell me, dear mother, where is my father, Yeruslan Lazarevich? They said he went to the kingdom of Kartaus to visit his grandparents. Did something happen to him on the way? Bless me, and I will go search for him."
Marfa Vakhrameevna wept:
"Where will you go? You've never been beyond our kingdom, you've seen nothing. Your father left and surely ended up in the Maiden Kingdom. They have bewitched him there, and there is no return. And you will perish!"
But Yeruslan Yeruslanovich paid no heed and stood firm.
"I will go anyway, find my father Yeruslan Lazarevich, and bring him home."
Marfa Vakhrameevna saw that she could not dissuade her son and said:
"Very well, have it your way. Go, but take this ring and never remove it from your finger, neither by day nor by night."
And she placed on Yeruslan Yeruslanovich's finger a golden ring with a precious stone, a gift from the sea serpent.
King Vakhramey also tried to dissuade his grandson for a long time, but in the end, he waved his hand:
Yeruslan Yeruslanovich quickly prepared himself and began to say his goodbyes. King Vakhramey, Marfa Vakhrameevna, and all the nannies, nurses, and maids came out to see him off. They watched as he mounted his horse but did not see him ride away. Only a cloud of dust rose behind the good lad.
He rode for a long time or a short time—the miles were immeasurable—and on the third morning, a vast, wondrous garden stretched before him, and in the garden stood a palace with a gilded roof and crystal windows. "This must be the Maiden Kingdom," thought the young hero. He rode up to the gates and shouted in a loud voice:
"Send out a champion, or I will break down the gates!"
The Tsar-Maiden heard and asked:
- Who is banging at the gates, demanding a duel?
- Some foreign knight has arrived, still quite young, it seems, - answered the hero standing guard at the gates.
- Go without delay and teach that rude fellow a lesson! - ordered the Tsar-Maiden.
The hero rode out from the gates and shouted:
- Who are you, young upstart? Banging at the gates and demanding a duel!
- You'll find out what kind of upstart I am when we clash! - shouted back the young rider.
They clashed, and Yeruslan Yeruslanovich knocked the hero out of his saddle with a single, light strike.
- I won’t sentence you to death! Go and tell the Tsar-Maiden: let her send a worthy opponent. It’s beneath me to measure strength with someone like you!
The defeated hero returned and told of the mighty knight. The Tsar-Maiden went to wake Yeruslan Lazarevich:
- Rise, awaken, my dear friend! Some foreign young hero has arrived and demands a duel. I hate to wake you, but there’s no choice. You’re our only hope!
Yeruslan Lazarevich got up, donned his armor, saddled his prophetic steed Orosh, and rode out into the open field, the wide expanse.
They clashed with such force that their horses reared up on their hind legs, yet neither hero wounded the other. They turned their horses, rode apart, and prepared to clash again.
“He looks like a mere youth, yet he yields to no one in strength and skill,” thought Yeruslan Lazarevich.
When they clashed a second time, their swords met again, and Yeruslan Lazarevich struck with such force that his opponent couldn’t stay in the saddle and fell to the ground. Orosh the Wise immediately stepped on the young knight’s chest. Yeruslan Lazarevich looked down and noticed something glinting on the youth’s hand. He looked closer and recognized his own ring. A thought struck him: “Could this be my son?” He asked:
- Tell me, of what clan and tribe are you? What is your name, and how are you addressed by your patronymic?
- If my horse had stepped on your chest, I wouldn’t be asking about your lineage, your father, or your mother—I’d have cut off your head outright!
- I don’t wish to end your young life, - said Yeruslan Lazarevich. - Just tell me, who are your parents, and what is your name?
- My mother is Marfa Vakhrameevna, and my father is the glorious and mighty hero Yeruslan Lazarevich. My name is Yeruslan Yeruslanovich.
Yeruslan Lazarevich immediately dismounted, lifted the young knight, embraced him tightly, and said:
- So this is how we’ve met, my dear son! How old are you?
- I’ve turned seven, and the eighth year has begun. I wanted to find you, and here we’ve met.
“How can this be?” thought Yeruslan Lazarevich. “I stayed in the Maiden Kingdom for just over a week, and now my son is already in his eighth year?”
Then he said:
- Let’s hurry, my dear son, to the Kingdom of Vakhramey.
They mounted their horses and rode home.
There was great joy when Marfa Vakhrameevna and King Vakhramey welcomed the heroes. King Vakhramey threw a feast for the whole world. And when the festivities ended, he said:
- Listen, Yeruslan Lazarevich, my dear son-in-law, I’ve grown old, and ailments and frailty have overcome me. Take the throne and rule the kingdom, while I retire and live out my days in peace!
- That’s all well and good, - replied Yeruslan Lazarevich, - I’ve traveled far and wide, enjoyed my fill of battles with my long spear and my mighty sword, and I’m ready to rule the kingdom. But I have one concern: I know nothing of my father and mother. I long to see them, but I have no time to travel there with the affairs of the kingdom.
- There’s no need to grieve over that, - said Vakhramey, - you now have a replacement. Yeruslan Yeruslanovich can ride to the Kingdom of Kartaus, deliver our respects, and invite them to visit us.
And so Yeruslan Lazarevich ascended the throne, while Yeruslan Yeruslanovich rode off to the Kingdom of Kartaus.
Whether much or little time passed, Yeruslan Yeruslanovich returned home, and with him came the parents of Yeruslan Lazarevich.
In their joy, they threw another feast for the whole world. I was at that feast, drank mead and beer, learned all this, and now I’ve told you.
More fairy tales