Chinese Fairy Tales
- About How Animals Started Counting the Years
- About the Bat
- About the Pine Tree, the Turtle, and the Tiger
- About the Treasure
- Echo
- Family Treasure
- Five Sisters
- Gun Yechang
- How A San Got a Treat for the New Year
- How Cha Turned into a Dragon
- How Judge Bao Interrogated a Donkey
- How the Dog and the Cat Became Enemies
- How the Elder from Mount Yunti Helped the People
- How the Fox Was Taught a Lesson
- How the Mountain Mouse and the City Mouse Visited Each Other
- How the Old Man Decided to Level the Mountain
- How the Prince Ate Rice Chaff
- How the Three Sons-in-Law Congratulated Their Father-in-Law
- How the Tiger Got Scared of Drip-Drip
- How the Tiger Stole the Bride
- How the Young Man Searched for His Beloved
- How They Tried to Torture a Stone Slab
- Huan Xiao
- If You Want It, You Can Move a Mountain
- In Search of Pleasure
- Let Someone Else Do It
- Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, or the Inseparable Lovebirds
- Mimosa
- Mountains of Immortality
- Not My Business!
- Oi-Fei
- Old People Have Plenty of Wisdom
- Open Up, Stone Gates!
- Persistent Yun Su
- Portrait of a Girl from the Palace
- Seven Brothers
- The Amazing Adventures of the Masters
- The Beautiful Wife
- The Beggar's Handkerchief
- The Bird Zhǎogǔ
- The Bridge of Mother and Son
- The Carp Maiden
- The Child and the Sage
- The Clever Daughter
- The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl
- The Date Pit
- The Dog and the Deer
- The Dragon's Pond
- The Drunken Sparrow
- The Elephant and the Sparrow
- The Emperor and the Mouse
- The Feat of Gao Liang
- The Fishing Rod
- The Foolish Husband
- The Fox and the Chicken
- The Fox Woman
- The Garden of the Jade Fairy
- The Ginseng Shapeshifter
- The Goddess of the Stove
- The Golden Bird and the Spirit of the Tree
- The Grateful Tigress
- The Greedy Landowner
- The Hare's Tail
- The Hat That Flew Through the Sky and the Hoe That Dug for Silver
- The Heavenly Drum
- The Just
- The Kind Daughter-in-Law
- The Legend of Meng Jiangnu
- The Liu Brothers
- The Magic Cauldron
- The Magic Cauldron
- The Magic Painting
- The Magic Pumpkin
- The Magic Yoke
- The Maiden-Voivode
- The Marriage of the Yellow River God
- The Miser
- The Misers
- The Monkey and the Grasshopper
- The Mountain of the Sun
- The Obedient Student
- The Punished Monk
- The Red Lily
- The Serpent Groom
- The Sloth
- The Sold Shadow
- The Sun and the Moon
- The Tale of Tea
- The Tale of the Cunning Wu-gen and the Loyal Shi-ye
- The Tale of the Spotted Calf
- The Tale of the Younger Brother
- The Tiger and the Buffalo
- The Tiger and the Donkey
- The Tiger and the Fox
- The Tsar-Python
- The Vow
- The Werewolf Fox
- The Yellow Stork
- The Zhaozhou Bridge
- Ti Tai-Tai and Ko Ko-o
- Tsar Bacha and the Ants
- Two Harvests
- When the Earth Turns to Gold
- Who Stole the Egg?
- Why the Sun Rises When the Rooster Crows
- Wives in the Mirror
- Zun - The Long Day