Moldavian Fairy Tales
- Alistar Făt-Frumos
- Basil Făt-Frumos and Ileana Cosânzeana, the Sister of the Sun
- Basil the Green and the Tsar's Daughter
- Dafin and Vestra
- Făt-Frumos and the Sun
- Făt-Frumos, the Hunter's Son, in the Kingdom of the Serpent
- Flint the Brave
- Flow light ahead, let darkness spread behind
- Gevæun the Giant
- He who waits for cherries to fall into his mouth will not achieve anything good
- Honesty of Pekală
- How Many Sheep Did Păcală Have?
- How Tyndale Mistook Himself for a Priest
- Ileana Cosânzeana
- Ion Moldovanu
- Kyrmyza
- Marko the Rich
- Pekală and the Boyar
- Pekală and Tindală
- Pekală and Tindală at the Priest's Work
- The Blacksmith and the Jug
- The Cook and the Boyar
- The Cook and the Tsar
- The Deceitful Goat
- The Devil and the Man
- The Horse and the Bear
- The Legend of the Swallow
- The Magic Bell
- The Priest and the Mare
- The Priest in Paradise
- The Red-Eyed Miller
- The Servant and the Master
- The Shepherd's Dog
- The Shepherd's Sheep
- The Tale of Fat-Frumos, the Hunter's Son, in the Kingdom of the Serpent
- The Traveler and the Crucifix
- The Turk and the Girl
- Tindală
- Trandafir - the Wheat Grain
- What Did Pekale Buy?
- What Happened to the Merchants
- What the Larks Sing About
- When Good is Repaid with Evil
- You Got One Soul, and I Got Two