Ukrainian Fairy Tales
- A Mosquito is No Friend to a Gadfly
- About the Hen That Laid Golden Eggs
- About the Poor Lad and the Princess
- About Truth and Falsehood
- Cold, Hunger, and Drought
- Hare Fat
- How Grandpa Went to School
- How the Cat Went with the Fox to Buy Boots
- How the Fox-Nun Confessed the Rooster
- How the Hare Outwitted the Bear
- How the Horse and the Bull Raced Against Each Other
- How the Peasant Dined with the Haughty Nobleman
- How the Poor Man Got Rid of the Evil Spirits
- How the Shepherd Outsmarted the Princess
- Kotygoroshko
- Serko
- Sister Fox and Brother Wolf
- Telesik
- The Bird King – Kuk
- The Cockerel and the Hen
- The Ear of Grain
- The Flying Ship
- The Goat and the Ram
- The Grain-Grower
- The Hawk in the Helmets
- The Healer
- The Kitten and the Rooster
- The Lad and the Flying Chest
- The Lame Duckling
- The Little Fox Sister
- The Little Fox, the Cat, the Wolf, the Bear, and the Boar
- The Little Purse
- The Loach and the Pike
- The Money Rooster
- The Named Father
- The Nuisances
- The Old Man and the Crab
- The Sparrow and the Blade of Grass
- The Straw Bullock
- The Sun, Frost, and Wind
- The Tailor and the Wolf
- The Tale of Ivan and the Wonderful Book
- The Tale of Ivasyk
- The Witch and the Sun's Sister
- The Wobbly Peasant
- The Wolf, the Dog, and the Cat
- Two Comrades
- Witches on Bald Mountain