English Fairy Tales
- A Profitable Deal
- A Purse of Gold for a Pair of Pants
- An Eagle in a Dove's Nest
- Binnori
- Black Roderick
- Blue Hood
- Bluebeard
- Cat-Nutcracker
- Cherry from Zennor
- Childe Roland
- Crazy Nellie
- Fair Janet and Tam Lin
- Farmer James Gray and the Giantess Clanshid
- Finn's Journey to Lochlann
- Five Golden Fruits
- Grandmother's Grandfather
- His Majesty King Thomas
- How Jack Went to Seek His Fortune
- How Michael Scot Went to Rome
- I Can Do It Myself!
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Jack and the Golden Snuffbox
- Jack Hannaford
- Jack the Giant Slayer
- Jack the Lazybones
- Jeep and the Witch of Walgrave
- Joan and the Lame Gooseherd
- John Reed and the Mermaid
- Johnny-Doughnut
- King Herla
- King John and the Abbot of Canterbury
- Little Baby
- Little Brownie
- Little Fairy
- Little Mattie and the King
- Little Tom and the Giant Denbras
- Molly Woppy
- Mossy
- Mr. Fox
- Mr. Grape
- Mr. Mike
- Mr. Vinegar
- Night Chase
- Nothing-Nothing
- Simple Peter
- Sir Michael Scott
- Tam Lin
- The Baker's Daughter
- The Black Bull of Norroway
- The Black Shirt
- The Brave Hunter Finlay
- The Brownie from Hilton
- The Cat and the Parrot
- The Cat King
- The Children of King Ailp
- The Count of Mar's Daughter
- The Death of Diarmuid
- The Devil and the Tailor
- The Donkey, the Table, and the Club
- The Fairies of Merlin's Rock
- The Fish and the Ring
- The Fox and the Kestrel
- The Lambton Worm
- The Lazy Beauty and Her Aunts
- The Leather Bag
- The Legend of Macbeth
- The Lord of Lords
- The Magic Horn
- The Magic Ointment
- The Magpie's Nest
- The Master of All Masters
- The Mermaid and the Unfaithful Andrew
- The Monster of Windelstone Gorge
- The Old Woman and the Piglet
- The Page and the Silver Cup
- The Peddler's Dream
- The Red Etin
- The Reed Hat
- The Rooster and the Fox
- The Sea King's Daughter
- The Silver Whistle of the MacCrimmons
- The Sorcerer's Apprentice
- The Spring at the Edge of the World
- The Tailor and the Fairies
- The Tale of King Arthur
- The Tale of the Three Little Pigs
- The Terrifying Dragon of Spindle Stone Rock
- The Three Bears
- The Tiny One
- The Tsar and the Finch
- The Vain Mouse
- The Water Was Locked Up
- The White Lady
- Thomas the Rhymester
- Three Clever Heads
- Three Dogs
- Three Heads in the Well
- Three Wishes
- Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse
- Tom Thumb
- Tom Thumb and the Big Princess
- Tom-Tit-Tot
- Two Fiddlers from Strathspey
- Whittington and His Cat
- Who Will Overcome Everyone
- Willy and the Piglet
- Young Pollard and the Okland Boar
- Young Roland