Belarusian Fairy Tales
- About Priest Kirila and His Worker Gavrila
- Alyonka
- Andrew the wisest of all
- Bunnies
- Easy Bread
- Father's Gift
- Filipka the Son
- From the Horn, There's Plenty of Everything
- Fyodor Nabylkin and the Real Bogatyrs
- Give Away What You Didn't Leave at Home
- How a Peasant Taught the Tsar's General a Lesson
- How Ivan Outsmarted the Devils
- How Stepka Talked to the Pan
- How the Cat Scared the Animals
- How the Hen Saved the Rooster
- How the Peasant Dined with the Master
- How the Priest Deceived Taras Once, and Taras Deceived Him Twice
- How the Priests Were Cured
- How the Wolf Was Taught Wisdom
- How Vasil Defeated the Serpent
- Ivan Utrénik
- Kanya
- Mena
- Not by Strength, but by Wit
- Oh, the Golden Snuffbox
- Pan and the Storyteller
- Panu Science
- Petrushka
- Poleshchuks and Poleviks
- Soldier Ivanka
- Son of the widow
- Sonny the Little Fist
- The Bear
- The Blade of Grass and the Sparrow
- The Blue Coat Sewn Inside Out
- The Cunning Fox
- The Devil, the Bear, and the Hare
- The Foolish Lady and the 'Clever' Gentleman
- The Goat
- The Golden Apple Tree
- The Golden Bird
- The Greedy Rich Man
- The Husband and the Wife
- The Impolite Son
- The Kitten with the Golden Forehead
- The Kitten, the Rooster, and the Fox
- The Lion and the Wolf
- The Lost Word
- The Magic Pipe
- The Musician-Sorcerer
- The Old Father
- The Peasant and the Devil
- The Peasant and the Nobleman
- The Scary Twist
- The Sparrow and the Mouse
- The Speckled Hen
- The Thief Devil
- The Whispering Granny
- The Wise Daughter
- The Wise Girl
- The Wolf and the She-Wolf
- The Woodpecker, the Fox, and the Crow
- Trem, the Nameless Son
- Two Frosts
- Vikhrev's Gifts
- Where the Pans Came from in Polesie
- Why the Badger and the Fox Live in Burrows
- Why Wolves Are Afraid of the Bell
- You Can't Be Satisfied with Stolen Goods