Russian Fairy Tales
- About Need
- About the Pike with Sharp Teeth
- Animals in the Pit
- Arys - field
- At the Pike's Command" (or "By the Pike's Will")
- Baba Yaga
- Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek
- Bag, Give Me Wisdom!
- Brother and Sister
- Chernushka
- Chivy, chivy, chivychok
- Cunning Science
- Fear Has Big Eyes
- Fedul and Melania
- Finist the Falcon
- For a Bast Shoe - a Hen, for a Hen - a Goose
- Geese-Swans
- Go There — I Don't Know Where, Bring That — I Don't Know What
- Good, but Bad
- Grief
- Hares and Frogs
- How the Fox Learned to Fly
- How the Priest Hired a Servant
- If You Don't Like It, Don't Listen
- Ivan the Cow's Son
- Ivan the Fool
- Ivan the Peasant's Son and the Miracle Yudo
- Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf
- Kolobok
- Kuzma Skorobogaty
- Little Khavroshechka
- Lutonyushka
- Marya Morevna
- Masha and the Bear
- Mizgir
- Moroz Ivanovich (Father Frost)
- Morozko ("Father Frost")
- Night Dances
- Nikita Kozhemyaka
- No Goat with Nuts
- On Trial
- One-Eyed Woe
- Petukhan Kurikhanich
- Porridge from an Axe
- Shabarsha
- Shemyaka's Court
- Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka
- Sister Fox and the Wolf
- Sivka-Burka
- Snegurochka and the Fox
- Teremok
- Tereshchechka
- The Argumentative Wife
- The Bean Seed
- The Bear and the Dog
- The Bear and the Fox
- The Bear with the Linden Leg
- The Bird Language
- The Boastful Hare
- The Bubble, the Straw, and the Shoe
- The Carefree Wife
- The Cat - Gray Forehead, the Goat, and the Ram
- The Cat and the Fox
- The Cat, the Rooster, and the Fox
- The Clay Boy
- The Crane and the Heron
- The Crooked Duckling
- The Crow and the Crab
- The Crystal Mountain
- The Cunning Goat
- The Daughter and the Stepdaughter
- The Devil-Moneylender
- The Enchanted Princess
- The Enchanted Water
- The Fool and the Birch Tree
- The Foolish Man
- The Fox and the Black Grouse
- The Fox and the Crab
- The Fox and the Crane
- The Fox and the Goat
- The Fox and the Hare
- The Fox and the Pitcher
- The Fox Confessor
- The Fox Midwife
- The Fox, the Hare, and the Rooster
- The Frog Princess
- The Girl in the Well
- The Goat
- The Goat's Funeral
- The Goat-Dereza
- The Golden Cockerel
- The Golden Cockerel and the Magic Millstones
- The Hare
- The Hare's Hut
- The Kind Priest
- The Lion, the Pike, and the Man
- The Little Speckled Hen
- The Magic Horse
- The Magic Pipe
- The Magic Ring
- The Man and the Bear
- The Man, the Bear, and the Fox
- The Master and the Dog
- The Master and the Peasant
- The Master Blacksmith
- The Miraculous Shirt
- The Old Man and the Wolf
- The Petrified Kingdom
- The Pot
- The Prince and His Uncle
- The Prophetic Dream
- The Rooster and the Hen
- The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise
- The Seven Simeons
- The Seven-Year-Old Daughter
- The Sheep, the Fox, and the Wolf
- The Snow Maiden
- The Soldier and the Devil
- The Soldier's Overcoat
- The Story of the Black Grouse
- The Sun, the Moon, and Raven Voronovich
- The Tale of the Glorious, Mighty Hero Yeruslan Lazarevich
- The Tale of the Rejuvenating Apples and the Living Water
- The Tale of the Turnip
- The Three Kingdoms - Copper, Silver, and Golden
- The Treasure
- The Turnip
- The War of the Mushrooms
- The White Duck
- The Winter Quarters of the Animals
- The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats
- Thoughts
- Three Rolls and One Bagel
- Tom Thumb
- Truth and Falsehood
- Vasilisa the Beautiful
- What Doesn't Happen in the World