Armenian Fairy Tales
- A Drop of Honey
- A Woman's Slander
- Akhtamar
- Anait
- Arev and Krag
- Barekendan (Maslenitsa)
- Brother Lamb
- Carnival
- Chico
- Craftsmanship is More Precious than Gold
- Don't Look at My Tears
- Earned by One's Own Labor
- Father Hikaru Has Grown Old
- Father-in-law and Son-in-law
- Found Horseshoes
- Heavenly Punishment
- How the King Was Fooled
- Kaspar, the Serpent Prince
- Lazy Tuny and Idler Uri
- Little Mouse Peek-Peek
- Look for the Kopeck
- Mutual Aid
- No and No
- Poppies from Artsakh
- Priest Slick Goes to Heaven
- Rain
- Real Nonsense
- Reason and Heart
- Rosebud
- Seven Stars
- Stretch your legs according to your clothes
- The Armless Maiden
- The Axe
- The Beauty Girl
- The Customer and the Craftsman
- The Daughter of Tsar Zarzand
- The Death of Kikos
- The Death of the Artist
- The Dog and the Wolf
- The Dream of a Lazybones
- The Enlightener's Lamp
- The Fiery Horse
- The Golden Apple
- The Golden Coin
- The Golden-Haired Girl
- The Happiness of a Fool
- The Heaviest Sorrow
- The Hen
- The Hunter's Tale
- The Idle Princess
- The Invincible Rooster
- The Jug of Gold
- The Lazy Gurie
- The Legend of King Tiridates
- The Liar
- The Little Goat
- The Magic Rose
- The Maiden's Heart
- The Merchant Ambartsum's Children
- The Miser's Table Companions
- The Paradise Flower
- The Pathfinder
- The Peasant's Son
- The Pigeon Hermitage
- The Pomegranate Seed
- The Power of Habit
- The Serpent's Son Otsamanuk and Arevmanuk, the One Who Angered the Sun
- The Servant
- The Sister and the Seven Brothers
- The Snake and the Poor Man
- The Sparrow
- The Spirited Bride
- The Swineherd
- The Tailless Fox
- The Tailor and the Tsar
- The Tale of Azaran-Bulbul, the Thousand-Voiced Nightingale
- The Tale of Murza, the Invisible Worker
- The Tale of the Golden-Haired Prince
- The Tale of the Hunter Marcos
- The Tale of the Poor Man and His Wife
- The Tale of the Prince and the Daughter of the Genie King
- The Tale of the Snake
- The Tale of the Unprecedented Cucumber
- The Talking Fish
- The Taste of Baklava
- The Thief
- The Thief and the Poor Man
- The Travelers
- The Tsar
- The Unfortunate Merchants
- The Wedding of the Forest Spirits
- The Whole Wife
- The Wise Weaver
- Three Testaments
- Two Brothers
- Unlucky Panos
- Vardapet and the Servant
- Vishap, the Son of King Chinmachin
- Why the Onion Became Bitter
- Witnesses of the Thief
- Zangi-Zrangi